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Rapunzel's POV:

High school, the best four years of your life... wrong! High school is just a place where you get your heartbroken by the guy you have a massive crush on. Wonder who that is? Jack Frost. My best friend in the whole entire world but he doesn't realize I have liked him for years. Boys are so clueless! "Hey Punz!" he greeted me and I smile while waving, keep it cool Rapunzel.

"H-Hey," I stutter out and mentally slap myself, 'smooth Rapunzel. He smiles while laughing and open his locker. I sigh dreamily and watch him. He can make grabbing books out of his locker so cool! See I have it so bad! I shake my head from my thoughts and see a girl come up.

"Hey Jack," she says smiling and kisses him, he also kisses back and I looked away because it hurts too much, oh I forgot to mention her! She is his girlfriend Elsa... and they've been dating for two weeks. That's one of the reasons that it pains me to still like him. He has someone else and he's happy, I should be happy for him!

"Bye guys!" I say looking at the floor shutting my locker and bite my lip trying hard not to get sad, 'move on Rapunzel! You can find someone else!' I walk into class and sit in my seat in front. 'May be I can find some guys here!'I look around and cringe seeing no cute boys, 'aw man!' I see one and perk up immediately.

"Hey," I greeted him and he smiles walking past me, I see him kiss a girl smiling and I slump down inmy chair. I'm going to be lonely forever. I'm going to be an old cat lady with eight cats! I DON'T WANT EIGHT CATS!

"You okay?" I hear someone ask and see Jack looking at me strangely, I notice I was breathing hard and shut my mouth.

"Yup, just fine, buddy," I say punching his shoulder and he winces in pain before sitting down. His hand accidentally bumps into mine and I had to stop from blushing. I face the front of the classroom and remember we have a test today! Yay!


I walk through the Frost's house and slam the door annoyed, Risa raises her eyebrows and I stand in front of her "Yes?!" she asks raising her eyebrows and I sigh annoyed, 'she should know!'

"I can't find anyone else!" I say frustrated referring to Jack and she rolled her eyes eating some popcorn that her boyfriend handed to her.

"Just tell him you like him," Jerome says like it's not a big deal and I sigh annoyed falling onto the couch frustrated.

"He's right," Risa agrees and I cross my arms sitting up. She's only agreeing with him because that's her boyfriend.

"Easy for you to say. Jerome wasn't dating anyone," I say stubbornly and they hide back a laugh, 'Fine okay he was, but that's not the point!'

"Yeah I was," Jerome says amused and I roll my eyes taking their popcorn. Since they aren't helping me, I'm going to eat their popcorn. I almost ate the whole bowl when Jack comes in. I get embarrassed and spit all the popcorn back into the bowl. Risa cringes and puts the bowl on the table, oops...

"Hey Jack! We weren't talking about you," I say casually and he raises an eyebrow sitting in a chair in the corner.

"You guys weren't?" he says not buying it and I nod my head nudging Jerome in the stomach. He groans in pain but covers it up.

"Yeah we weren't," he lies laughing and so does Risa; this is why I never tell them anything!

"So is it okay if Elsa comes over?" Jack asks Jerome and he shrugs not really caring. Emma comes in and she pulls Jaime with her.

"Guess what? Jaime bought me this pretty necklace," she squeals happily and he smiles sitting on the couch next to me. Emma shows me and it's really nice.

"Presents don't buy love," Jerome says eyeing him and Jaime laughs rolling his eyes. Jerome's just mad that Jaime is dating his little sister.

Then I hear the doorbell ring and here she comes, I watch her and Jack with envy and everyone leaves but me.

"You're cute," Jack says to Elsa and I try to focus on the TV. 'Don't look at them!' I look in the corner of my eyes and see them kissing, I frown and try not to get upset. They keep on kissing and I stand up walking out into the night. The lamp posts are lightening up the streets and I sigh as I walk. The streets are lonely, just like my heart, 'Really Rapunzel?' sorry I am feeling sad conscience! Jeez, everyone's a critic.

See this is all my fault for falling for my best friend. Why couldn't I have fallen for a guy from my math class instead of Jack? Him of all people, sometimes love does do crazy things, yes I love him but I know he won't ever love me back.

"Rapunzel wait!" I hear someone yell and hear footsteps behind me, I turn around and see Jack, "Why have you been acting weird?" he asks frustrated and I put my hands in my jacket pockets, I didn't answer and he steps closer to me, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I answer trying to reassure him that I'm fine and he runs a hand through his hair. I know he's not buying it and I just want him to leave me alone.

"No you're not," he says softly and I shift my feet.

"It's your girlfriend?" I blurt out angrier than I expected and he looks taken aback, he steps back and I play with my hands.

"I'm sorry I haven't been spending much time with you if that's what you're talking abou-"

"No Jack! You don't get it," I say trying hard not to cry and he is silent, expecting me to explain, "We don't hang out anymore and there's another reason..." I trail off snapping my gaze to the ground, and he grabs my hand, he can't do that when he has a girlfriend.

"What is it?" he asks concerned and I look into his eyes, 'come one Rapunzel, say it!'

"I like you," I blurt out and he widens his eyes. He lets go of my hand and I bite my lip. I scared him! He probably doesn't feel the same way.

"Rapunzel I-" he says stopping himself and puts his face into his hands not knowing what to say. I swallow hard and try to get the lump out of my throat. He doesn't feel the same way.

"It's okay, I know you don't feel the same way," I say quietly wiping a tear away and turn around quickly making a run for it. His hand pulls me back and he looks at me smiling. What is he doing? He kisses me and I am shocked. 'Kiss back you idiot! Wait, doesn't he have a girlfriend? Who cares?'

"So... you like me too?" I asked blushing when he pulls away and he nods smiling wide, "What about Elsa?" I ask losing my smile and he blushes.

"I just broke up with her. I was trying to get over you and it didn't work, I always liked you," he says and I smiled wide. I got the guys in the end.

"Aww!" I hear, and see his family and my sister looking at us from across the street. I turn red and Jack hugs me tightly, I hugged him tightly too and smiled wide, 'Yes! He likes me!'


hehehehe, here's an update for you guys. Hoped you liked it.

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