•Still in love•

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I feel the same way

That you did about me yesterday,

Promise you never leave me alone,



Two lovers are walking along the side of the beach holding each others hands,

Rapunzel and Jack are having a strong relationship for 3 years already and they couldn't be happier.


One day some record company called Jack and asked him if he wanted to sign a contact with them, but there's something that's stopping him and that's leaving Rapunzel.

It's really a hard decision for him, because having a record deal is a once in a life time opportunity.

After a few minutes of decision making he chose to sign the contract and leave Rapunzel.



Cause baby, I know that you still love me,

And baby know that I love you too,

So tell me why cant we make it better,

Cause all that I know is found in you,

I'm missing your love, I'm missing your face,

All of our past, don't let it erase,

I know that you still feel the way I do,

Because I'm still in love with you



Rapunzel is fixing some things in her living room, when she found one of Jack's albums. She just smiled and felt so proud of him that he finally reach his dreams.

Oh how she misses him, she remember the time when they used to walk along the beach and talk about the future.

But now everything changed



I wanted to move on,

Unlike you, I'm not that strong,

And now our day in the sun has set,

We walked side by side,

Leaving foot prints in the sand,

Now only my footsteps remain



Jack is composing his own song for his next album, and it is based on his memories about Rapunzel (obviously that the song is about Rapunzel). All of his emotions are all written on that song.


It's was a bright sunny morning and Rapunzel is taking a walk to clear her mind. She took out her phone and started to text Jack.

To: Jack

Hey... it's been awhile.. 
I miss you..

'Should I send it?' Rapunzel thought.
'Even if I send it he'll never reply since he's to busy' Rapunzel thought again.

After fighting with her conscience she decided not to send it to him. She just continued to walk and went to the beach where she and Jack mostly hang out.


Jack is looking through his contract, he's really regretting on choosing this over the person he loved, so he decided to quit.

He went to the beach where he and Rapunzel always hang out to clear his mind.

He hang his blue jacket on the side and sat on the sand for a while.

After a short while he left and took out his phone and texted...

To: Rapunzel

Punz.. I'm still in love with you

He was about to send it when he realized that his jacket is missing, so he hurriedly went back to get it.

While Rapunzel noticed the jacket she was curious who that jacket belonged to.

Then she heard someone running when she looked up, her eyes started to water... she quickly ran to him and hugged him tight, Jack also hugged back like there's no tomorrow.

"Punz, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you, for all this years I still love you. Can we start what we left?" Jack asked.

Rapunzel smiled and replied "Yes, and I also never stopped loving you until now"



Cause baby, I know that you still love me,

And baby know that I love you too,

So tell me why cant we make it better,

Cause all that I know is found in you,

I'm missing your love, I'm missing your face,

All of our past, don't let it erase,

I know that you still feel the way I do,

Because I'm still in love with you,

Still in love with you,

Still in love with you.



What do you guys think?

It was based on the song 'Still in love' by Jason Chen.

So please comment, vote and share

Thanks a lot guys!


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