• Café love•

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Jack’s POV:

I see her sitting in the same table again every Friday at exactly 3 p.m. her long blonde hair, those mesmerizing emerald eyes. I always got o her tables ever Friday since the day she first started coming here.

“What can I get you today?” I said holding my pad in one hand and a pen on the other.

“I’ll get a vegetarian sandwich and a cappuccino please,” she replied in her sweet and calm voice as always and it’s the highlight of my day.

“Will that be all miss?” I asked.

“Yes, thank you,” she said smiling and turned her head towards the window on her left.

Our conversations usually end and starts the same way. I never got the courage to ask her name or even have a real conversation with her other than the script conversation that we had. I fot back from the counter and gave the paper with her order to Hiccup.

“She’s back again,” he said looking at the order then at her looking at the window.

“Yea, she always comes in at around this time,” I said taking my spot at the counter and waiting for people who just came in.

“Why do you think she comes in here at this time?” Hiccup ask.

“I don’t know, but she does,” I replied.

“You should talk to her,” he said leaving me in front while he went back to the kitchen.

“I should,” I whispered to myself, “but after I have her order,”


A couple just left the restaurant, so I went to clear their table. I was surprise to see the tip that they left behind, it was $50 dollars. Almost no one leaves this huge amount of tip to a waiter.

I take the dishes back to the dishwasher and came back to the front. A group of five people just came in so I went to take their order and went back to give Hiccup their order.

“Here you go Hic,” I said placing the order on the window between us two.

Moments later Hiccup rang the bell signalling me that the order is complete. I walk towards the small window, “at least ask her name, since she’s a regular here,” Hiccup said.

I look at the order just to make sure that it was the mystery girl’s order.

“I will,” I said looking at him and taking the tray that had her food. I carefully walk towards her and build up my courage to ask for her name.

“Here is your order miss,” I said.

“Just call me Rapunzel,” she said giving me the cutest smile ever

“Well in that case, Rapunzel here is your order, oh and I’m Jack by the way,” I said extending my hand towards her.

“Nice meeting you Jack. Isn’t it weird that we’ve seen each other for the past 7 months and we just knew each other’s names just now?” she asked.

“Yea, well I ever got the courage to talk to you other than taking your order,” I said.

“Why is that?” she asked.

“I am not sure, I just got nervous all the time,”

“Oh well, now you know, I don’t bite Jack,” she said giving me the most perfect smile.

I just smiled back and said, “let me know if you need anything else,” and left with that.

When I walked back to the counter, I smile to myself, that wasn’t so bad.

The café got busy and I was taking orders from left to right. I tried to still keep an eye on Rapunzel, but I couldn’t. I had to take orders, deliver orders and clean the tables. If people had complaints they yell at me and I’ll apologize for my mistake. It just got really busy that I didn’t notice when Rapunzel left. I went to clean her table. She had left the exact amount of money for her order and she also left a paper with her number and a note that said “Jack use it wisely😉 –R”

I collect her money and put the note inside my wallet. To be honest, I was surprised that all it took to get her number was to talk to her.

Rapunzel’s POV:

As every Friday, I make my way towards the small café that I found one day while heading home. I really liked the café that I started coming every other week. The food was good and the service wasn’t bad either. I tend to do some work here and then. Trying to finish work and enjoying the view of the outside through a big glass window. But what kept me going to the same café was the guy that worked there. I didn’t know anything about him except that he works there and that he is super friendly with everyone.

The day I found the café was also the same day that my ex-boyfriend had broken up with me. It’s weird to think that a bad situation led me to the café. In that café I met Jack, I would tell Merida all about him, at least that I saw him. She notice that he brought a smile to my face so she told me to tell my name. The only reason I know his name is because of his name tag, but he has never introduced himself. So I went in today prepared to introduce myself. If you want something to happened, you need to make it happen right?

After I left the restaurant, I felt like I accomplished something. All I can do right now is to wait for Jack to hopefully call me or text me.

The whole time waiting for his call, I became a little paranoid. Every time my phone would vibrate, I get excited and nervous. He haven’t texted me until six in the afternoon.

Hey Rapunzel, this is Jack. Sorry for making you wait on my text I just got out of work😅 –J

I panic, when I got his message. What should I reply? I’ve never given my number to any guy.

Hey, I was wondering how long it would take you😂, don’t worry its fine😊 –R

We continued on texting until I fell asleep on him. That night I went to sleep with a smile on my face.


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