•Waking up the sleeping boyfriend•

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Rapunzel's POV:

"Jack?" I called out into the silent house as I made my way past the blue front door. I bent down to untie my white converse. I slipped them off and stood up, frowning when I didn't hear big feet booming down the stairs towards me.

"Jack?!" I yelled out again, feeling confused. He should be here by now, it's already 2:30 and he said he'd be home at 12. I started to get slightly worried, thinking something might have happen to him. Jack has the attention span of a goldfish; he gets distracted and lost easily.

I quickly walked towards the carpeted stairs of our apartment, making my way up them quickly. I rush into our shared bedroom, flinging the door open. I let out a breath of relief as I see my handsome boyfriend sleeping in our large bed.

I closed the door more quietly this time, stalking over to him. He is sprawled out over the bed, no blanket covering his body and his glasses are still on his face. I giggled silently at how cute he was. He fell asleep with his glasses on.

I carefully and gently slip his glasses off his face, folding them up and setting them on my side table. I climbed into our bed next to him, taking his head off of his pillow and placing it on my lap.

I run my fingers through his soft black hair, I wanted to wake him up but my baby looked so tired so I decided to occupy myself by going on my phone and playing his hair while I waited for him to wake up. I also entertained myself by putting snapchat filters on him while he slept.

After 45 minutes passed, he began moving a bit, knowing he was going to wake up soon. I snatched his glasses off the nightstand, knowing he'll want them.

After a few more seconds, his eyes peeled open, he blinked a couple of times and I handed him his glasses. He smiled at me and after he put on his glasses his smile got even wider, I smiled back at him.

"Hello my sleeping prince, did you have a nice nap?" I ask his as I cup his soft cheeks. He blushes hard and nods, sitting up and reaching under his glasses to rub his eyes. He looks over at me and smiles again, his cute cheeks still flushed.

"When did y-you get here?" he asks me shyly, grabbing my small hand with his large one.

"About an hour ago," I say as I play with his fingers and look up at him. He has a pout on his face, "Why didn't you wake me up? I wanted to spend time with my princess,"

I nearly explode from his cuteness but I kept my cool, "Well, my baby looked so tired so I wanted him to sleep," I leaned forward and pressed a small kiss on his lips. He blushes and looks down; even after 4 years of dating he's still not used to my affection.

"O-oh okay, all that m-matters is that you're here now," he says, putting his shaky hands around my waist, his code for "sit on my lap". I climb onto his lap, his hands still around my waist.

My hands are placed around his neck as we share a loving embrace; I squeeze him tightly and take in his scent. He has his face buried into my neck; his glasses pressed against my neck and his face, neither of us care.

"You hungry Jack" I ask softly, pulling out of our hug. He nods quickly and I laugh at his eagerness. I give him a quick kiss and climb off his lap. He pouts but I kissed him again, this time more passionately.

"In-n-out?" he asks, a hopeful look in his face. This time it was turn to be eager, "Yes, yes, yes!" I yelled, grabbing out of our room, he stops me.

"W-wait! I need my shoes," he exclaims, running back to our room to put on his black high skater vans, his favorite, thanks to me, he walks back out and grabs my hand.

"C-can we match?" he asks, blushing a bit. I nod and smile, walking downstairs and to our shoe closet, pulling out my black high skater vans. I was about to sit down on the floor and put them on and tie them when Jack stops me.

"Yes Jack?" I ask, smiling at my adorable boyfriend. He looks down, blushing again, "Can I put on your shoes for you?" I smile widely at his question.

"Of course Jack," he gets down on his knees and I lift my foot up, watching him as his hands fumble with the shoelaces of my right shoe. After he loosens it he slips it onto my small feet and ties it tightly. He repeats the action to my left foot.

Ever since he saw a picture of a boy tying his girlfriend's shoe on tumblr, he's been obsessed with doing it to me, I find it cute. I stand up and grab his hand.

"Are we all set?" I ask and he nods quickly, pulling me out of the front door. Once we are out I stop him so I can lock the door. My fingers fumble around with the keys, searching for the correct one.

As I attempt to find the key, Jack comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and buries his face into my neck. I blush slightly, my heart rate increasing. I finally find the right key and lock the door.

I turn around quickly and see Jack beaming at me, "Can we go now princess?" he asks, rocking himself back and forth on his toes. I nod a press a quick kiss to his lips, taking his hand into mine and dragging him to the elevators.

Jack and I sit inside of in-n-out, eating our burgers, fries and milkshakes. Jack munches on his fries, occasionally sticking them in his milkshake and giggling. I stare at him lovingly, amazed at how adorable he is.

"Y' know, you're so cute it's frustrating," I speak finishing the last bite of my burger, taking a long sip of my vanilla milkshake. He blushes hard and shakes his head.

"You're cuter," he says quietly. I smile and thank him, reaching for his hand across the table, picking it up and placing a kiss to it. He quickly gets up and moves over to my side of the table, still blushing hard.

He cuddles into my side, his head tucked in the crook of my neck and he takes in my warmth, I wrap my arms around his body.

"I love you princess," he speaks quietly, placing a gentle kiss on the warm skin on my neck. I smiled and run my fingers through his soft hair, I smiled widely.

"I love you more my prince," I say, he shakes his head and sits up with a pretty smile on his face.

"Not possible," he whispers and kisses my cheek.

"Oh, but it is," I kiss his nose and then his lips, giving him a tight hug. He hugs me back just as tight, "Love you," he repeats again.

I smiled and whisper back, "Love you more."


I'm so so so sorry guys for not updating, I'm just really busy because of school and it is just so frustrating.

And I've been up all night the last week because of examinations but I hope you like this update

Please continue to vote, comment and share

I'll try my best to update more often thank you so much guys!!!


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