•Jackunzel Wedding•

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Rapunzel's POV:

My mom puts my hair in a bun and smiles, "You look beautiful Sweetie!" my mom says as she puts a blue rose in my hair, "AWWW thanks mom," then she starts to tear up. "I just can't believe my baby's getting married!" I get out of my chair and hugged her, "I can't believe it either," I say hugging her.

Jack's POV:

I fix my tux, "Are you ready?" my dad asks looking at me. I nod my head in response, "Yeah," my mom starts to tear up, "I'm so happy for you," she then pulls me into a huge hug then Emma and dad joined in, "Thanks guys," I smile, "Well let's get going," my dad says, with that we all walk out of the building and into a huge garden.

Rapunzel's POV:

"Are you ready sweetheart?" my dad says holding out his arm, I nod and take his arm, once we get out of the building we walk to the garden, we were greeted by everyone. They all turn to look at me and I smiled. I walk down the aisle. The love of my life smiles while looking into my eyes, my dad kisses my cheeks and sits in the front row in the chairs next to my mom as I get to the stage. Jack grabbed my hand, I smiled at him as a response.

Then we start saying our speeches.

I start to tear when Jack starts to speak.

after I say mine, the priest instructs us to repeat after him.

"Do you, Jack Overland Frost, take Rapunzel Corona to protect, take care, of any sickness forever in always until death to us part?" (I really don't know this okay, I just made this up,so sorry)

"I do," Jack smiled at me.

"I now pronounce you, husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride," we lean in and Jack passionately kiss me, this was the best day of my life.

Everyone claps,cheers or even cry because of happiness (even me, hahahaha joke XD)

"I love you," Jack whispered.

"I love you too," I whispered back as he gave me a warm tight hug.


Okay, I'm really really sorry if I haven't been updating, I'm just really busy, but I hoped you like this short chapie!!!

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