•Mirror's Magic•

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this is the 2nd part of Magical Mirror to explain everything, hope you guys like it


I shall grant anything that you wish for
So won't you chant for me from the other side of the mirror?
Tonight, "everything is the magic of opposites"
After all, I'm a wizard meant just for you


Jack's POV:

In a dark room of a locked tower, the only thing that resounded was my heartbeat.

Shunned in contempt and hated out of fear.

That is me, a prince loved by misfortune.

As years passed, during a storm, an uninvited guest arrived. It was a young man who smiled as he held a mirror in his hands.

"Who's the cause of your misfortune? Take a look into this magical mirror and see it for yourself," said the unknown man.

I'm a bit hesitant of what he said but I'm curious of who is behind of my misfortunes.

As I glanced into it, reflected in the mirror was a "fortunate girl". My bewildered heart began to shake in doubt.

"But... what if it's the truth? That she's the reason of your misfortune?" whispered the unknown man.

His words haunted me, it kept me thinking... is my happiness had been stolen away by that girl?

My heart fell, dyed in hate. Everything is opposite on the other side of the mirror. It switched the balance of scales of fate... but as the years passed I came to forget everything that has happened so that my "blessings" could be carried out.


In a bright room of a tower which the sunlight shone upon, resounding through it were the voices of a crowd of people.

Adored in respect and revered put of love.

That is me, a prince loved by fortune.

But during an awfully sunny afternoon, an unknown guest arrived just like last time, I went to see who it was... it was the unknown man and he's holding an old mirror in his hands.

"Who's the cause of your happiness? Take a look into this magical mirror and see it for yourself," said the unknown man.

Those words he uttered are somewhat familiar to me, as i glance onto the mirror, reflected an "unfortunate girl" and why does her smile seem to be gouging out my heart?

"But... what if it's the truth? That your entire happiness has been stolen by me on that fateful day," whispered the unknown man.

My heart shook, dyed by grief. Everything is opposite on the other side of the mirror. The balance scales of fate were destroyed, reduced to fragments by these hands of mine.


My past which I should have abandoned... those "memories of sin".

Why have they returned now, tormenting me so?

I had no other choice except to hate.

So why is my heart hurting so much right now...

Reflecting in the mirror are the "opposite" us.

Is the amount of tears you shed the same as my laughter?

If my happiness, leads to your curse... just what should I do to save you?


As I thought long hard... I finally found the solution.

I shall grant anything that she wish for

"So won't you chant for me from the other side of this mirror? Tonight, everything is the magic of opposites. After all, I'm a wizard meant just for you" I told her.


I have already granted everything you ever wished for? Then the magic of the mirror will end here. The palm of your fading hand met with mine

"I guess this is farewell," I said as I laughed. And as I expected... the mirror broke into pieces.

Will you be crying on the other side of this mirror? It sure would be nice... if I could see you again someday.


Hi guys! hope you like this 2 part chapter, I love you all😘 Keep safe always❤️

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