•Tattoo My Name•

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"Rapunzel, I love you," John, her current boyfriend confessed.

"Do you love me to the point that you will tattoo my name on your arm?" she asked.

He laughed in response taking it as a joke.

But it wasn't, she meant every single word that came out of her mouth.

The same day she went and tattooed a little broken heart... hoping it will be fixed one day.


"I love you honey," said Ben her newest boyfriend.

"Do you love me to the point that you will tattoo my name on your arm?" she asked once again.

"U-um... what? You're kidding right? I-it's late, I'm gonna head home," he said, creeped out from her sudden outrageous words.

She nodded looking down sadly.

She never saw Ben again...


She thought she'd wait with this boyfriend instead of freaking him out when he confesses, she'll give him time.

His name was Flynn; he was sweet and all but was kind of messy. She has to pick up after him all this time. She sometimes has to ask him to take a shower.

He asked her on a date today. She was done with her make-up and everything else.

She waited for 5 whole hours, he still didn't come.

When she was about to take off her dress, make-up and etc. she heard a knock, she smiled expecting to see him in a tux and his hands gripping on beautiful roses, but boy was she wrong.

He was all messy (as usual) with his hands gripping on a bottle of vodka instead of the roses she was expecting.

She frowned at his drunken sight.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy," he hiccupped.

"Do you even love me?" she asked.

"Pfft!!! You wish! I'm just here for your money sweetheart," he said.

"Get out!" she yelled at him.

He scoffed leaving her house.

She ran to get a new broken heart tattoo.

"Hey Robert," she greeted him as usual with tears staining her cheeks.

Robert was the guy who always gives her the tattoos she requested. While drawing the tattoo she would tell her heart breaking story.

"Hey Rapunzel, have a seat," he said putting on some new gloves.

She smiled having a seat on the black sofa.

"Another tiny broken heart?" he asked.

She nodded in response.

"What happen this time?" he asked starting to tattoo.

"U-umm his name was Flynn..." she was WAY caught up with her heart breaking story that she didn't notice that Robert was drawing a tattoo that wasn't requested by her but a guy named Jack.

"Done!" Robert announced after a few minutes.

She smiled looking at her new tattoo but soon her smile faded.

He colored all the broken hearts making them completely fine.

"What did you do Robert??!! What the heck is this?!" she yelled at Robert.

"Sorry but the white hair guy over there said he'd pay me 5,000 dollars if I do as he requests," he explained.

She was furious and ready to sue both of them.

"Hey," said the whited hair guy.

"Don't 'hey' me! You ruined my tattoos!!!" she screamed hitting his chest multiple times.

"You won't need them, trust me," he smirked taking her hand in his.


They were both cuddling on the couch; did I mention they're a couple now?

"I love you..." Jack confessed for the first time.

She looked at him in the eye asking him with true confidence.

"Do you love me to the point that you will tattoo my name on your arm?"

"Yes," he answered then kissed her.

She kissed back not believing what she just heard.

They pulled away.

"Really?!" she asked.

"Yes, I'll be glad to," he whispered taking her hand.

He tattooed Rapunzel and she tattooed Jack


HEY GUYS!!! I am so sorry if it took me long enough to update but I hope you all like this little chapie 

Please don't forget to vote, share and comment!!!

Thank you so much guys!!!


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