•Call him anything• Pt 2

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Here's another update for you guys... Sorry for the wait but here's part two of Call him anything


Hugs means: Don't talk to her


She looked so flawless. He hadn't ever seen her with a two piece bikini on, ever. It was her first time wearing one, but thanks to Merida's persuasiveness, she finally wore one. And he couldn't say that he wasn't enjoying the view, because he was, he really was. The sun shined on her creamy white skin, it made her golden locks shined as bright as the sun above them. He was staring at her with his mouth open. Hiccup even called him out and said he was drooling a little. But apparently, he wasn't the only one.

A few boys who were seated under a rainbow colored umbrella wolf-whistled at both Mavis and Rapunzel, as they walked down the shore. One was even drooling! But the only difference was he was drooling much worse than Jack!

When the two girls had reached the umbrella Jack and Hiccup were under, Jack didn't hesitate on reaching for the sunscreen and offering to rub it on Rapunzel.

"Hey baby." He walked over to her and sat next to her immediately swinging his arm over her shoulder and pulling her closer.

"Hey." She greeted him shyly. After all she had been walking down the shore with her arms crossed over her chest, but that didn't stop them from examining her legs.

Oh, those legs. They looked so soft. It took everything in him to not lean down and touch one.

"I'm thirsty." Jack randomly commented before standing up and removing the sand form himself. "I'm going to get us something to drink, what do you want babe?"

"Awe Jack, you're so nice!" cooed Hiccup thinking the question was meant towards him.

"Well, I'll have a strawberry and watermelon smoothie, artificial flavor please!" said Hiccup.

"Some lemonade please." replied Rapunzel.

Jack nodded and mentally listed it in his mind. "How about you Mer?"

"Same as Rapunzel." She casually said not meeting his gaze while flipping through her book.

"Okay, so strawberry and banana smoothie for me, another strawberry and watermelon smoothie for Hic, and two lemonades for you two girls." When he saw his three best friends nod.

"Alright, I'll be right back." He waved to them and walked over to the drink shack.

Rapunzel reached for her purple beach back and pulled out her matching hot pink sunglasses. Afterwards, she pulled out her book and continuing reading where she stops.

A few minutes later, Merida and hiccup both stood up and took a stroll along the shore leaving Rapunzel alone. She didn't mind, Jack would be back soon anyways.

"Rapunzel?" she heard someone call. She recognized that voice. She hadn't heard it in years though.


A smiling brunette male stood in front of her, water dripping from his hair traveling down his body. A few years ago, Rapunzel would've swooning as if this was the hottest thing she'd ever seen. But she was with Jack Frost now, who was way hotter than him.

"Oh, um, hey Flynn." her voice dripping off fake enthusiasm.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you move to California about three years ago" she looked up at him.

He flashed her his charming smile, only problem was it wasn't charming for her anymore. It didn't form butterflies in her stomach like it used to.

"Yeah, but my parents got divorce and I moved back here with my dad." He answered her.

"Oh, I'm sorry." She timidly said.

He shrugged it off. "It isn't your fault, why are you apologizing?"

She shrugged in, "It just seems like the nice thing to say."

Flynn took a seat next to her. As much as she wanted to tell him her heartthrob school's idol of a boyfriend would come any minute now with their drinks, she couldn't bring herself to. I guess you could say she was a push over sometimes. Okay, fine, always.

"So, i see the past three years have been kind of a big change to you." He complimented, looking her up and down freely, shifting closer to her by just an inch.

"Hey Flynn." Come out a stone cold warning behind him.

The two teens turned around to find no other than the DisWorks heartthrob idol behind them.

Rapunzel was the first to stand up. "Did you get the drinks?" she asked him eyeing his hands, noticing he didn't have anything in them.

"No, the line was too long." He answered her, although he kept his eyes locked in the Harry Styles look-a-like who was checking out his girlfriend not too long ago.

"Oh," she walked over to him and circled her arms around his neck. Jack snaked his hands around her waist and pulled her closer. So now they were touching skin.

"Do you want me to go with you?" she asked him quietly.

He nodded, now completely zoning out and playing attention to her innocent emerald eyes. "Yes please."

Flynn, who was watching the scene silently, arched an eyebrow. "Wait? You two-are- d- d-"

Jack decided to interrupt him and just answered the question he was trying so hard to say. "Dating? Yes, yes we are." He nodded to emphasize.

"What?! Since when?!" Flynn manages to say without stuttering.

"Oh, we've-" started Rapunzel

"11 months, 8 weeks, 7 days, 5 hours, 33 minutes, and-" he looked at his waterproof watch. "29 seconds." He answered, and then flashed a toothy grin.

Rapunzel blushed. "Awe, you even counted the seconds?" she cooed at her boyfriend.

Jack smile lovingly down at her. "Yeah."

Rapunzel squealed then stood on her tippy toes and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Well, I, um, I have to go." Flynn murmured not waiting for their response before walking off to who knows where. Jack smirked at his retreating back.

"So, about the drinks...?" started Rapunzel, beginning to pull away from him.

"Oh, right! Let's go get 'em," remembered Jack.

The two started walking towards the drinks shack Jack was at, but before they could get far, Jack remembered something and ran back to the umbrellas. He was searching through the beach bag him and Rapunzel shared. "Ah ha!" he cheered.

Afterwards, he handed Rapunzel the T-shirt he had in hand.

"What's this for?"

"Wear it." He answered simply.

She shrugged and did what he said. The shirt was a little too big for her petit frame, but it covered her mid-thigh.

"Okay, now let's go." Said Jack, he placed his hand on the small of her back like a gentleman, guiding her through the giant field of teenagers. He smiled at the letters engraved at the top of his shirt.



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