•Bed time story•

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Rapunzel's POV:

"mommy can you read us a bedtime story?", Anna said cheerfully.

"anna lower voice or you'll wake up the whole neighborhood," Elsa said bluntly

"quiet you two, what story do you want me to tell you,"

"the cave of two lovers!"

"okay okay😂 this is an old ancient chinese story so you better listen carefully,"

*in the story*

a long time ago when the world was still young, there was a moutain that divided two villages.

one day, a man from the eastern village climbed the mountain and when he reached the top he met a woman from the western village.

the villages were enemies so they could not be together, but their love was strong and they found a way.

the two lovers learned earth bending from the badger moles, they became the first earth benders.

they built elaborate tunnels so that they could meet secretly.

and anyone who tried to follow them would be lost forever in the labyrinth.

but one day the man didn't come because he died in the war between their two villages.

devastate the woman unleashed a terrible display of her earthbending power.

she could've destroyed them all... but instead she declared the war over.

both villages helped her built a new city where they could live together in peace.

the woman's name was "oma" and the man's name was "shu".

the great city was named "omashu" as a monument to their love.

in the cave, there is a shrine where the couple now lies besides one another. and carved into the stone are the words:
"love burns brightest in the dark"


"mommy, when can i meet the man of my dreams?" Anna asked.

"when you get old enough to understand what is the meaning of love,"

"mom, will i meet my happily ever after?" Elsa question.

*of course you will, now both of you sleep,"

"night mommy,"

as i stepped out of the kids room and Jack was leaning on the door frame, "you know what punz? I'm so glad that you came into my life even if I can't give you the life I promised you.. you still chose to stay with me"

"that's because I love you to much, no matter how people disagree with us I'll still choose you... I'll always be here. I love you," I replied to him smiling.

"I love you more rapunzel,"


Hey guys! Here's an update for you guys, stay safe everyone!


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