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Harry POV:

"Are you coming home tonight?" I ask Flo, keeping my eyes on the road. I'm dropping her off at Lou's and taking Lux back home with me.

In the passenger seat she's rummaging through her bag looking for something, "I thought so, but apparently we've been invited to stay over at the hotel."

"You won't be home then?" She shakes her head, "I might not be there when you get back tomorrow."

From the corner of my eye I see Flo look at me. "You won't?"

"I'm going to take Lux out and spend some quality time with her." Recently, I feel like I haven't had much one on one time with her and she's been doing so well in school, she deserves a treat.

"That's cute, I bet you'll have the best time."

I nod as I park the car in front of Lou's house. "I'll grab your bags, go on in."

Flo leans towards me and kisses me on the cheek, but I can't help myself, I cup her face with my hands and kiss her lips. I can taste her sweet mint lip balm, her lips soft and a little glossy. She leans further into me, deepening the kiss, as close as she can get with the gearstick in-between us. Knowing that I can't be too excited going inside I pull away.

"You're such a tease," she murmurs into my ear.

I smirk unbuckling my seatbelt, "I have to make sure you don't forget about me."

She rolls her eyes, "I won't even be gone for twenty-four hours."

"I know," I reply getting out of the car. Shutting Lou's front door behind me I head straight through to the kitchen.

"Ladies," I greet Lou and Emi with a smile.

"Flo's gone to get Lux from upstairs," Lou pats the chair next to her. "Thanks for taking her tonight by the way, I appreciate it."

"I'm looking forward to it, absolutely no problem."

There are voices and laughter from the hallway, Flo walks in with Lux close behind. They're inseparable when they're together, she's like Flo's little shadow.

"Uncle Harry!" Lux runs straight into my arms.

"Hello munchkin," I kiss her cheeks over and over again.

"Ew, too many!" She giggles pushing me away.

I notice she's already in her pyjamas, light blue with red hearts all over, "I hope you didn't turn up to school in those."

She shakes her head, her blonde hair moving all out of place. "No silly!"

"I was organised, I gave her bath and put her in them before."

"Who's got Silver and Spike?" I ask Emi as Lux goes back over to Flo.

"Adam, he's taking them to see his parents."

"How does it feel being childless for the night?"

Emi laughs, she is constantly with them and takes care of them alone when Adam's away. "I'm shocked that it's happening two weekends in a row. Don't get me wrong it's great having some time to myself, but I do love being at home."

Flo comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck, I lean up and kiss her cheek. Lou hands me Lux's backpack, then picks her up to say goodbye. That's my que to leave, I know they're on a tight schedule. "Right then, shall we get going?"

"Bye baba," Lou kisses her face. "You have a good time with Uncle Harry, I'll see you after school on Monday."

Flo goes over and ruffles Lux's hair, "I've baked some cookies for you make sure Uncle Harry doesn't eat them all."

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