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Sirius can feel her confused glare on him, hardened but he's sure he can soften it. He's confident he can make Minerva McGonagall break. "C'mon, Minnie, I'm here 'cause I'm desperate, you know that," He urges. He whips his head around to glare back. A bold move, but desperate men make bold moves; or so Sirius has heard anyways.

Sirius doesn't want to place this card on to the non existent table but when Professor McGonagall produces no reply, he slams it down like his livelihood depends on it; which it does. "I-I have a daughter to think about," He says.

This, however, purchases him a reaction. McGonagall sighs, bringing a hand to her forehead. "I'd had my suspicious that Mister Lupin's child belonged to you," She tuts. Their eyes meet. "And what have I told you about calling me that? It is Professor or it is nothing, I won't be addressed by a silly nickname, we are not on first name basis, Mister Black, you know that," She mimics his choice of words sternly but there is a laugh haunting her tone.

Sirius knows she loves her 'silly' nickname. 

Sirius watches as she folds her arms over her chest, sitting back against the back of her chair. "Look, I can talk to the caretakers, whoever oversees what needs to be done, yes? But I can't make any promises. Dumbledore is very particular about how things are done around here, he won't want you mucking about," She pauses. "But I can try for you because I can sympathize with your situation, I want Mister Lupin to be taken care of and if you need help adhering to that; then I will put my help on the table for you,"

The table. The goddamn non existent table.

Sirius nods. "Thank you. Professor, thank you," He thanks her. "I want Remus to be taken care of too, I really, really do. And I need the money. I wouldn't be offering to become some kind of custodian if I didn't really want that," He offers wearily. He can only imagine the floors he's going to have to scrap, the thoughts of the bathroom tiles nauseate him. But it's for Remus. Everything was for Remus. Remus and the forgiveness Sirius so desperately yearns for.

"Congratulations are in order, Mister Black. I believe this is the first time we've had the baby conversation," McGonagall smiles softly. Well, as soft as Sirius assumes she can. "A daughter? Merlin, I never thought I would see the day, nor the day I find Sirius Black waiting outside my office begging to scrub the halls of Hogwarts," She chuckles.

"Thanks, Professor. Well, with Merlin's blessing, you'll see the day she's wrecking havoc in the hall of Hogwarts," Sirius chirps.

McGonagall rolls her eyes, shaking her head, she says; "Well, let us hope that she will inherit Remus Lupin's credible reputation then, although I suspect he's the mastermind behind most of your doings? Yes? Always too clever to get caught out, though,"

Sirius grins, almost proud of how cunning Remus could be. Look like the flower but be the serpent underneath. A play Remus had once read, during the hot summer weather, while they vacationed at James'. James' mother seemed to like this muggle guy, Shakespeare, they called him. "Yeah, well, that's my Remus,"

"Your Remus?" McGonagall hums. "I certainly hope so with the sudden pregnancy. He came to me twice during his forth month one time to tell me about his ordeal and then a few days after that, did you know that?"

Sirius shakes his head. "No, miss, I didn't know that," Should I have known that?

McGonagall nods. "Well, he did. The second instance stuck with me. He can be fragile, especially now, but that boy is a strong hearted boy. A true Gryffindor if I ever saw one, brave. He told me a lot more about his health, I had asked of course. He isn't one for over sharing, I had to cox. Did you know he hasn't even told his poor mother?"

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