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Sirius had wandered and paced through the hallways as he waited for Remus to come to. Almost instantly, he had been pushed out of the room, the last sight he recalls seeing is Remus unconscious and limp and many other doctors entering the room. The scene joins the many sights of his mother yelling at him or his aunt shrieking at Andromeda of the things he wishes he had never seen, wishes he could forget.

But he knew what Remus would want.

So that is how he ends up sitting on an uncomfortable, wooden stool beside his daughter; whom is laying ever so still inside an almost glass like box, tubes connected to her. Sirius can't stand the sight, but he can't bring himself to tear his eyes away from how beautiful she truly is.

Elliot Dorothy Black, weighing in at 5.5 ounces, was glorious in all of her tininess. She had a head of dark raven hair, it was fuzzy and kind of limp, but Sirius wouldn't have it any other way, as it lay against her tiny little head.

His daughter hadn't spared him a glance yet as her eyes remained screwed shut. Every now and then, she made some kind of murmurish grunt that endears Sirius as it reassuured him that she was still taking in oxygen.

It reminded him that she was real. That she wasn't some kind of tiny little fairy. It reminded Sirius that she really has arrived today, March 29th at almost a quarter past ten that morning.

And now, almost twelve in the afternoon, Sirius still hadn't been fetched to see Remus. However, he had been informed that Remus was okay, he simply had been over exhausted. He wasn't in any harm, just extremely tired and worn.

Which Sirius can understand; considering the fighting his Remus had to endure to bring their baby girl to them.

So he sits, simply gazing at his little tube connected girl, occasionally their fingers would touch as he rests his large hand against the plastic box, reaching for Elliot's tiny fingers. This makes him smile, chuckle lightly, as they share all this moment has to bring.

Sirius wishes Remus were here. He wants more than anything to pick Elliot up, show Remus just how capable he is of being her father, while Remus laughs softly.

But instead, he's sat; somewhat alone, no other premature babies or their parents in the ward with him.

While Remus sleeps off his labor, once again alone.

Elliot is good company, Sirius argues with himself about that one.

The clearing of someone's throat pulls Sirius' fixated glare away from Elliot as he looks toward the door of the premature newborn room.

"Prongs," Sirius whispers. As his voice at full volume could shatter Elliot, she seems too delicate to exist.

James smiles softly. "Hey, dad," He says with such a duality of softness and sadness warfing his tone. "How's your little girl doing?"

Sirius can't help but let out a bitter laugh. "I-I can't even hold my daughter," He replies in a small voice.

James pulls over another stool and places himself right next to Sirius, barely a gap between their shoulders. "She's amazing, got your hair, didn't she," James comments. "Lucky little one, fine head of hair if you asked me," He's trying his hardest to make his best friend smile, he wants so desperately to see that bright grin right now.

"How're you here?" Sirius asks, fixating his line of sight back onto Elliot. "Peter here too?"

James shakes his head. "Nope, just me. I begged McGonagall to let me come visit, she's giving me an hour," James shrugs as if that were unfavorable of McGonagall to grant, as if James truly wants to watch Sirius' tiny baby struggle to intake air to her tiny lungs.

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