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Later that night, Peter seems to watch in awe as Sirius rocks Elliot to sleep. Elliot is half asleep in her father's caring arms as Sirius rocks her with such a gentleness, gazing down at her. You would almost find yourself under the impression that Sirius wasn't aware of the other three's presence in the dormitory room at all.

James chuckles softly, he's taken to cuddling Remus in his own bed, leaving Remus' sheets crumpled and undisturbed. "He's a natural, innit," He grins, an arm slung over Remus, almost protectively. Like an older brother, despite Remus' seventeen day head start on James.

Remus smiles softly. "He's good, alright," He digs. He can't help but feel a stab of agony watching Sirius take good care of Elliot. He wishes it were him, he's the one who's supposed to be filled with all these maternal and nurturing hormones, but yet, he feels nothing. Well, almost nothing.

Sirius gently shushes Elliot as he lowers her down to the fresh sheets Peter and James had bought with his hard earned money. "Goodnight, sweet girl," He smiles, raising her small hand to press a softened kiss to it. "Enjoy your very first night in your new home, well, mummy and I will look into getting you a nicer home, a real home, as soon as we're outta school," He whispers, trying to avoid any chance of his mates overhearing his and Elliot's conversation.

He watches on as Elliot drifts into sleep, closing those little grey eyes, wriggling slightly as she tries to get her tiny body comfortable. "Come on, Black, you can look away for two seconds. Come to bed, you softie," James teases from across the room, Remus still kept neatly under one of his much stronger arms.

Sirius smirks. "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming, don't want you to seduce my Remus anytime soon, Prongs," Sirius shoots back. "C'mere, kid, hop in with me," Sirius offers as he walks past Remus' bed and to his own, slinging the duvets back as if to make a little nest for the two of them.

Remus and James share a laugh before Peter pipes up, "Territorial as ever," Peter mumbles with a grin. "You as good as own Moony, dontcha?"

Remus laughs. "Yeah, he's done a good job of marking me now, hasn't he? Baby and all," He chuckles as James loosens his grip, allowing Remus to untangle himself from him.

"Well, I hope your daughter isn't like either of you, hope she's quiet all night at least," Peter laughs.

Sirius grins. "Well, you'll just have to get used to it, won't you, Wormtail," Sirius chuckles slightly as he drops down into his bed, Remus following suit, instantly cuddling up to Sirius.

Sirius draws his curtains and the pair are left into the darkness. Remus preforms a quick silencing spell, for fear of the other two having to hear their pillow talk. "Mmh," Remus mumbles as he softly kisses Sirius' lips. "Missed you," He mutters.

"I haven't gone anywhere, silly," Sirius smirks boldly, enjoying Remus' soft kisses.

"I know. I just miss you sometimes," Remus comments as he curls up beside Sirius. He sighs. "I hope Elliot sleeps through her first night here. I don't want her to feel unsettled, y'know," He lays his head on Sirius chest, listening for his heartbeat. It is a comforting sound.

"I know, love, she'll be fine. I was thinking about a few things,"

Remus raises an eyebrow. "Oh? Anything of interest?"

Sirius nods, glancing down at Remus' messy hair against his chest. "Yeah, actually," He threads his fingers through Remus' hair. "I was wondering if you'd be up for a little quite flat, after we finish school of course, just you and me and baby makes three,"

Remus considers this for a moment, before, "You wanna live with me?"

Sirius nods. "Yeah, 'course I do, idiot," He ruffles Remus' hair. "Why don't we look into some sort of cosy place, eh? Just for us and Elliot. I mean, of course we could branch out when she's older, huh? Maybe a few more by then," A smirk plays on Sirius' lips as he trails his free hand down towards Remus' belly, patting ir softly. "What'd you think kid?"

"You want more kids? More babies?" Remus blinks. It seems this evenings agenda for Sirius is to give him two separate heart attacks. "You want to have more babies?"

Sirius nods firmly, now both hands steadily on Remus' belly, underneath the fabric of one of his band t-shirts as he gently, delicately and caringly, rubs his hands along Remus' softened edges. "Mmh," He hums. "I think I really do,"

Remus chuckles, looking down at his belly as Sirius lovingly touches it. "Well, you'd better find somebody who's willing to give you your little army, eh? Find some nice boy, heard you've got a fanclub in Ravenclaw, loads of the boys there fancy you,"

"Don't be so daft, you fool," Sirius chuckles warmly. "You. I want more babies with you, not those giggling Ravenclaw boys who melt whenever I walk past for some reason. I want you to have all of my babies, every single one of 'em"

"Jesus. All of them? What's in it for me?" Remus says playfully.

"Some gorgeous babies and that lovely little belly of yours full as long as we can keep it full," Sirius licks his lips. "You don't realize how beautiful you looked carrying my baby, did mad things to me, y'know? Drove me wild, how lovely you looked,"

Remus snuggles closer to Sirius. "Stop that, you're making me blush, my tummy feels all squirmy when you talk shit like that,"

"Good. That just means ya love me," Sirius seems to giggle, almost drunkenly. "You're marvelous, you always are,"

Remus grins softly. "So what? You want me to agree to have every single one of your bloody babies? Repopulate the Black blood line, eh?" He chuckles.

"Make 'em all Gryffindors and make my mother have a stroke,"

Remus snorts. "They can be whatever house they wanna be,"

"So you agree? We should have more babies?" Sirius laughs victoriously.

"We'll just have to see, won't we," Remus teases.

"Come off it, Lupin, you loved every second of having my offspring in that pretty little body of yours,"

Remus rolls his eyes. "You're very egotistical, you know that, right? What if all our kids turn out full of themselves?" He jokes.

"Then we'll have to even out the playing field and introduce them to Prongs' kids!"

They both collapse into a fit of hysterical laughter before Remus is eventually gasping for air. "Stop, don't make me laugh so bloody hard," He says, close to tears as they smile at one another.

"So, agree to it, then. Have as many babies as that beautiful body will allow," Sirius grins, cupping Remus' chin. "Because I love you so very much, darling. It'd kill me to see you head off with another boy,"

"Then don't give me any reason to head off with another boy and we've got ourselves a deal," Remus smirks widely. "Besides, Elliot isn't even a week old. Bit early for this talk, eh, Padfoot?"

"Never too early when its you, m'dear,"

Remus scoffs. "Take me to dinner first, Romeo," He teases.

"How about this," Sirius starts. "Do me the honour of being the moher of my children and my boyfriend and I'll take you out every second weekend, I'll get Reg to babysit Elliot in our little flat. It'll be great. So have me, Remus Lupin, have me as I am,"

Remy's blinks, gazing deep into Sirius' eyes. "I'll have you as you are and as you always will be," He whispers gently.

"Is that a yes, I hear, mister Lupin?" Sirius grins boldly.

Remus smiles, kissing Sirius hard on the lips, before, "Is that cheeky tone anyway to speak to your boyfriend? Or the boy who's just agreed to be your boyfriend, for that matter?"

Sirius kisses him even harder on the lips, taking in every bit of Remus he can possibly get. "I fucking love you, you brilliant boy you,"

Very fluffy! Tooth rotting fluff!

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