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They lay like that for a few mere moments that feel like their very own miniature eternity's, Sirius' lips lingering on Remus'. Remus can feel tears dampening Sirius' cheeks and his own by default.

They break apart slowly, Sirius taking Remus in instantly. His lips are puckered, swelling by the second and a harsh red flush finds itself lacing his face. His hazel eyes are blended with confusion and lust.

"I uh-" Sirius starts but he cuts himself off. "I have to go," He says, claustrophobicly.

Remus stares at him. "Y-you what?" He questions but Sirius has already detangled himself from him and is now standing, straighteninh out his clothes.

Sirius shakes his head. "I-I'll be back, alright? Later. I just uh have somethings to do, kid"

Remus gapes as he watches Sirius stammer before he stumbles out of the room. He is instantly left disheartened and puzzled, the tatse of Sirius still on his lips.

Stumbling into the common room, Sirius frantically searches the room for the one person he needs to calm him down before he erupts. "Marlene? Where's Marlene?" He asks.

Peter glances at him. "She's in her dorm, with Dorcas, studying something or other," He informs, flipping through a notepad. "What's up with Moony? He alright?" Peter asks.

Sirius swallows before nodding all too quickly. "Just peachy. I uh really need to go talk to Marlene, I'll be back in a bit," He ushers out of the common room.

He bursts into Marlene's dorm, the one she shares with Dorcas and Lily and some other girls he's unaware of the names of. And he couldn't care much to be aware of either. "Marlene!" He hollers.

The blonde girl pulls away bewilderedly from her girlfriend. "Sirius! What the fuck, I told you I was too busy this evening," She whines. Her soft hands cup Dorcas' petite, angelic face in such a loving manner.

"We're busy," Dorcas chuckles. "Make an appointment,"

Sirius groans as he plops himself down in between the duo.

"Okay, okay," Dorcas sighs. "Maybe we can fit you in. What's botherin' you, buttercup?" She asks, Sirius' head resting in her lap. Dorcas has a caring, nurturing sort of presence. She feels like a meadow on a dusky spring afternoon.

"I got Remus pregnant,"

"You what?! Our Remus? You got our Remus pregnant! Sirius!" Marlene shrieks and Sirius covers his ears.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!" He complains. "My heads producing an abundance of thoughts right now and they're all so loud," Sirius gritts. "What am I gonna do? What are Remus and I gonna do?!"

"When did you find out? Just take a deep breath," Dorcas instructs.

"Ten minutes ago,"

"Do not tell me you just left him to run to us-"

"Marlene!" Dorcas interjects with a hiss.

"Of course I did!" Sirius confirms. "I didn't know what to do! Or what to say! I was scared I'd say the wrong thing so I had to leave before I fucked us up even more. Last night, he woke up in so much pain. It must've been the baby. Oh god, what if my baby's hurt? And I didn't even know about them and they were hurt. Remus was hurt!"

Marlene doesn't let her eyes meet Dorcas' at Sirius' use of possessive language regarding his child.

"You need to calm down, you're working yourself up," Marlene says. "Slow down. It's going to be okay. You're scared, that's valid. But don't you know how scared Remus must be? He told you about the baby and you just up and left him,"

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