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Seven months. Seven whole months of bloating and morning sickness has already passed. Remus curls a hand around his stomach as he reads from his baby book.

"Did you know that Elliot's lungs are developing right now?" Remus lazily rubs his belly.

Peter looks over to him. "Seriously?" He asks.

Remus chuckles. "Yeah, Wormtail, seriously," He smirks, rubbing his belly as he feels Elliot move around within him. "Wow, my baby girl has lungs, shit," He says softly.

"Yeah, no shit, Moony. 'Course she's got lungs," Peter laughs.

James grins up from polishing his quidditch gear, as he so often does. He has a big match against Ravenclaw and he's more than excited. Especially since Peter's little 'friend' will be playing as seeker. He's been cracking jokes all day about how he's going to really put her to the test. "Padfoot will be really excited to hear," He smiles.

"Speaking of which, where is our resident baby daddy this evening?" Peter asks.

Remus shakes his head. "M'not sure, actually. He's been out to awhile,"

"Miss him terribly, don't you, Moons?" James smirks teasingly. He walks past Remus' bed, to grab his broom from the other side of the room to give it a thorough cleanse. On his merry way, he stops at the end of Remus' bed for a second, just to gently place a hand against the other boy's belly. James does this a lot, more frequently than anybody else who strokes Remus' tummy daily. James is one of the only ones who does it tastefully, though. One of the few feelers who does not make Remus go insane. "Oh," There is a soft hint of surprise in James' voice. "She's really partying in there,"

Remus rolls his eyes, feeling Elliot tumble around inside him. "Yeah, she gets like that sometimes," He responds.

James invites himself to sit next to Remus, placing both hands on his round belly, setting them on either side. He lowers himself down, so that he is almost face level with Remus' belly. "Hey sweet girl, what're you up to in there? Don't be so rough with your mumma," James says quietly with a grin.

Remus and Peter watch in amusement as James chats with the life growing inside of his best friend. "Merlin, Elliot baby, you're gonna make some quidditch player, yeah? Like uncle Jamie?"

James is rarely dubbed 'Jamie' or even 'J', on occasion. He was raised as a 'James', simply that. Euphemia had ensured it.

"Okay, uncle Peter's turn," Peter says lazily as he too gathers himself at face level with Remus' belly. Two pairs of hands sit stop Remus' belly while Remus simply let's one of his own sit right at the very bottom, cupping his belly's underside. He listens as his friends ramble in such sickenly sweet and soft voices to his tummy. It's an endearing sight that he wishes Sirius were present to sit, to witness as their best mates melt into baby voices as they speak with their unborn child.

"Oh shit, James, mate you feel that one?"

"No fucking way she just did that! Hey, stop being so smart. Your uncles are trying to communicate with you, young lady,"

The exchange makes Remus grin. "That's what it feels like when she's like pushing out against me," Remus trails. "Wait, watch you can see her moving sometimes," He gently rolls up his T-shirt, displaying his bare bump as James and Peter rearrange their hands on the now exposed bare bump.

"Merlin! Look at her go," James squeals, like a child, a gleeful child whose been given too much sugar. He squeals a lot. But they all have learned to adapt and not laugh too hard, especially if James should ever notice, when he does it. It's an excitement thing, Sirius had suggested one time. If Sirius is their resident baby daddy, James is their resident drama queen.

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