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If there was one fundament of life Remus Lupin valued most, it was his circadian rhythm of sleep. He especially enjoyed getting the pleasure of sleeping in, lolling lazily in an abundance of duvets and blankets on a cold Saturday morning.

Even more particularly after a transformation. One of which Remus had just experienced in the days that had gone past. His transformation concluded itself Thursday evening and he had been feeling especially weird ever since. Like his body knew what was to come. An omen.

This Saturday was different, however. A Saturday like no other. Mainly due to the fact that Remus was awoken from his deep slumber and it's not the late afternoon, as expected. Rather, it is almost two in the morning and his stomach hurts.

It hurts really bad.

Deciding to get up and go in search of some water, Remus slowly pulls himself into a standing position, yanking Hus curtains open and staggering upwards. He does it so quick, it makes him nauseated.

Remus soon discovers the reason for his waking as a vicious pain grips hold of him and forces him to grab the nearest surface area to him; his bed post. Knuckles turning a bright white from his grip, Remus is more confused and terrified than he's ever been.

He feels hot tears flowing down his face as another sharp pain ripples over him, causing a small, broken sob to fall from his mouth. What is happening, he thinks woth fear. What is happening to him and his baby? He quickly covers his mouth, for fear of waking anyone.

"Moony? You okay?" A voice whispers in the darkness. Peter. In his vain attempt to avoid waking his friends, Remus was unsuccessful.

Hand still clasped to his mouth, Remus nods before realizing Peter can not see him.

Due to the lack of reply, Peter mumbles a quick "Lumos!" His wand illuminates the room. Peter's face immediately drops when he sees Remus' tear stained face. "Oh Christ, Moony, what is it?" Peter is out of bed in a flash, his wand in his hand.

Remus just sobs, finally releasing the anguish that was dwelling inside of him. As though it couldn't be held back any longer. His stomach twisting in knots of agony. He shakes his head, slowly sliding down the bed post, dropping to a heap on the floor, his head hung lowly as his hands fall to his belly; trying with desperation to calm the baby, make them know it's okay and that he is just as scared right now as they are.

"Hey, what's the big idea? Wormtail, turn out that, can't a guy get some shuteye?" Sirius' groggy voice drawls. He raises his head from his pillow, grey eyes expanding at the sight of Remus crouched on the floor. "Remus!" He gasps, ushering himself out of his bed.

"Moony, hey, hey, hey," He tries to soothe. "What's going on? What's the matter, eh?" Sirius immediately kneels down beside the other boy. Remus, unable to speak due to the pain, just shakes his head; more tears spilling down his cheeks.

Reaching up, Sirius cups Remus' face. "Remus, talk to me, you're scaring me. What's wrong? Please, Remus, just talk to me. I can't help if I don't know what's happening, kid,"

Sirius gently pulls Remus close to him, instinctively. Stroking his head, he shushes his cries. "Shush, take it easy, kiddo, easy. Nice and gentle, breath in and out, Moons, in and out, c'mon, focus on me. Try to slower your breathing," He succeeds in helping Remus form words eventually.

"H-hurts," Remus manages to breath out. "It h-hurts so bad," He wheezes. "I-I-" A sharp intake of breath cuts him off. "My t-tummy h-hurts," He whispers, curling in on himself more. 

Before Sirius can question him, James -whom had managed to sleep through most of the commotion- yawns, gazing around the room before his eyes land on Remus. "Moony! Merlin's beard, what's all this about?"

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