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It was a Thursday night and Remus was laying in bed trying to do his Charms homework while Peter helped James with his Potions homework. Sirius, however, was nowhere to be seen. In fact, he'd been that way for hours.

"James, no you can't-"

Peter's teaching is interrupted by Sirius bursting through the door. "Hello boys!" He greets with a wild grin on his face.

"Padfoot!" James exclaims. "Wherever have you been, you scoundrel?" James laughs. The duo embrace. They're more brothers than friends, Remus thinks. James is more a brother to Sirius than poor Regulus could ever wish to be.

"I've just snogged the face off of Marlene, that's where I've been, Prongs!" Sirius announces, proudly.

Cheers erupt from both Peter and James. "That's my boy!" James grins. "Told you she liked you, didn't I!" He smirks boldly.

"So, was she any good?" Peter quizzes.

Sirius hollars. "Wormtail, you don't snog and tell!" He laughs. "What do you take me for?"

James smiles. "Well, I'm happy for you, mate. You gonna ask her out?"

Sirius shrugs. "It was just a snog,"

Remus closes his Charms textbook quietly. Just a snog. Just like he was just a shag. Maybe he and Marlene have much more in common now. Fortunately for Marlene, you can't get saddled with Sirius Black's baby via a snog.

Sirius' stone grey eyes meet Remus' sad eyes. "You're happy for me, aren't you, kid?" He asks. It's one of the most direct conversations they've had in weeks.

Remus nods, forcing a smile. "Course I am. Congrats, Padfoot," He answers wearily.

Sirius grins, having all of his friends celebrating his victory. "Why don't we celebrate? This weekend? I'll get firewhiskey at Hogsmeade," He declares.

Remus is almost frantically looking around for James' hazel eyes. Searching for James to put a stop to this party planning. James somehow, without confiding in Remus' startled gaze, knows.

"I'm all for celebrating, mate, but maybe we shouldn't. Hogsmeade is this weekend. I'd much rather go celebrate with some goodies than get wasted. Still recovering from last time, so I am," James chuckles casually.

Aren't we all. Remus ponders towards the little baby inside of him.

Sirius, although appearing to be let down, nods. "Alright then, sweets on me, lads," He smirks.

Peter snorts. "Right then, it's settled. Now, Prongs let's get back to that Potions homework. Isn't gonna do itself now is it,"

James sighs and reluctantly adverts his attention back to the textbook. Sirius settles himself on his bed, right next to Remus' bed. Remus tries not to take notice of him and instead focus on his Charms homework. Sirius, after a few moments, frowns and decides to call it a night. His efforts of catching the werewolf's attention had been squandered and unsuccessful.

Sirius whistles lowly. "I'm gonna get some rest. Night everyone," He says softly, undressing himself quickly.

There's a chorus of "Night Padfoot" and then Sirius is shutting his eyes.

Remus soon starts to feel drowsy. He falls asleep to thoughts of Marlene and Sirius. And their successful snogginh session. He wonders if Marlene had been the one Sirius had knocked up, would Sirius be happy? Would he be an excited father to be? He wonders what their baby would look like, then he finds himself picturing his own baby. With Sirius' striking grey eyes and strong jawline.

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