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Now with their relationship out in the open, Sirius found it hard not to touch Remus at every minute of every day. Not in any sexual sort of way, just the intimacy of holding Remus' hand or placing his palm against the small of his back was enough for him. It felt comforting, especially as news of the rapidly oncoming war approaches.

"I'm going to fight," James declares on morning over one of their last breakfasts in Hogwarts. "In the war, dad said he thinks I'll be good working in the ministry. Wouldn't mind being an auror,"

The war. A common topic for the students of Hogwarts at this point in time.

Sirius bites into an apple. "Yeah? Fancy me joining you then?"

Lily shakes her head. "I'm going to fight too, so I guess you'll have to fight me for the position as James' partner," She jokingly sticks her tongue out at Sirius.

Sirius rolls his eyes. "What'd you think, love? Reckon we'd make a good team?" Sirius slings his arm around his boyfriend's neck. "I reckon we wouldn't do too bad, eh? Been navigating this whole parenting thing quite well, us," He says cheerily.

Remus shakes his head with a small grin. "What makes you think I wanna live with you and spend all day at work with you, eh? What if I get sick of you?" He teases.

Sirius steals a quick kiss on the lips. "You could never get sick of me, idiot," He smirks against Remus' lips.

"Enough PDA!" Peter squeals from the other side of the table. "I've seen enough foundling to last me a century!"

Marlene frowns. "Why? What has Peter seen?" She wonders.

"Too much!" Peter cries which causes a few chuckles, and two red faced blushes to form on Remus and Sirius' faces.

"Oh, enough about that!" James waves Peter off. "They're fools in love, let 'em feel each other up! How else d'you think little Elliot got here?

Peter forces a chuckle. "Well, it certainly wasn't an immaculate conception!"

Dorcas laughs. "They're fools who didn't use protection, alright," She grins wildly at the pair.

Sirius tightens his arm around Remus' neck. "Hey, McKinnon and you've been caught many times!" He laughs. "You're all only jealous of our daughter, she's much better than any future children any of you are going to have," He teases.

Remus grins at him, stealing a glance. "Hey, give them a chance to catch up first," He rolls his eyes.

As of now, Pomfrey is checking over Elliot. Remus and Sirius had insisted they stayed with her during her first checkup but the medical witch had waved them off, claiming that they could see her after they gotten their bellies full from their breakfast. Remus feels slightly anxious over leaving Elliot alone for so long but Sirius' arm around him reminds him that he has to let Elliot be checked up on.

Pomfrey has also enlisted herself to be Elliot's prime carer while the boys are in class. Remus can't thank the woman enough.

"So, what'd you say, Prongs, willing to out do me, huh?" Sirius smirks cockily. "Bet I could have Remus knocked up again by the end of the year, that'll be two to zero, you and little Prongs better hurry it up,"

Remus scowls him, folding his arms over his chest. "Don't push your bloody luck, git," He rolls his large brown eyes. "What do you want, eh? A band of otters?"

Sirius smiles. "Well," He sing songs. "If they're as cute as the first one, I don't see why not-"

"Hey!" Lily interjects. "Can I please finish my toast at least before Remus is pregnant again?"

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