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Emelia declares Elliot stable enough to return to Hogwarts with her parents on Elliot's third day of being in the world. Remus seems to also have improved, the potion Emelia had granted him making him more able for Elliot's presence. It's late, maybe nearing seven o'clock, when then begin preparing to leave.

"You're going to have to start feeding her eventually, Remus," Emelia says softly as she helps Sirius rummage through the room for their belongings. "It'll feel like a little tugging and it may stung for a minute but Elliot'll latch on and know what to do," Emelia smiles. "She's a clever baby,"

You'd have to be with a crazy mum, Remus thinks glumly.

He's considered the piece of parchment that his mother has left in one of his pockets many times and wonders if that may just be the answer to his current dilemma; his father, more particularly, closure from his father.

"Take care of yourselves, boys. Take care of each other," Emelia pats Sirius softly on the shoulder. "Be good to one another, yes?"

Sirius nods as he cuddles Elliot close to him, James' quidditch bag slung over his shoulder and an arm around Remus' waist. Sirius was still decked out in his Gryffindor uniform while Remus wears a hoodie and sweatpants he's sure belong to James, not either he or Sirius, if the looser waistband is anything to do off of; made for somebody with more of an athletic build than either Sirius or Remus.

"Thanks for everything, Emelia," Remus mumbles softly, leaning closer to Sirius.

Emelia shakes her head. "You're going to get through this, Remus. I'm sure of it. Take some time for yourself and then some time alone with Elliot, it might make it all a bit less scary," She advises gently. "You're going to be fine,"

She let's them use the floo in her office and they somehow find themselves in the hospital wing of Hogwarts sooner than expected.

"Boys!" Pomfrey greets "I was wondering when you'd return!" She peers down at the little bundle of blankets in Sirius' arms. "What a lovely baby! You've outdone yourselves, eh? How has she been? Not too sick, I hope,"

"She just had a little trouble breathing on her own for a bit, she's alright now, though," Sirius explains, cautious of Remus' silence. "Uh," Sirius lowers his tone. "There's a slight problem, Remus has baby blues," He mumbles, like he doesn't want anybody but the nurse to hear.

Pomfrey glances between the two boys, Remus nods at her, confirming the ordeal. Pomfrey gently envelopes him in her arms. "Oh my boy!" She whispers softly. "I'm so sorry! I'm sure this'll all be over very soon, you must be feeling very isolated, I've treated patients with this condition before, awful thing really but let's focus on getting you right as rain,"

Remus nods into her arms. "It is sort of isolating," He admits softly. "Like a heavy uh feeling," He describes with a cringe. He knows it doesn't make sense, nothing about any of this makes sense to him and it makes him feel even worse.

Pomfrey gently pulls away, placing a soft, motherly peck to his forehead. "You're going to be alright, these things work themselves out. Just spend a little time away from the babe and then back with her again, eh? Sirius," She turns to Sirius. "You'll look after him, won't you, love?"

Sirius nods firmly. "Course I will," He curls his arm back around Remus' waist. "M'gonna take him up to bed for a bit," He says softly, glancing at Remus. Remus nods.

"You might feel some cramps, your body mightn't be used to having the little one out," Pomfrey says carefully. Remus chuckles.

Yeah, tell me about it! He thinks.

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