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Remus awoke with a queasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He rolls over in the narrow dormitory bed, trying to ease his nausea. He can hear shuffling around the room, the other boys trying to dress themselves as quietly as they can, unaware that the other teen's own sickness had already done that deed.

"You took him to the hospital wing yesterday, Prongs?" Peter asks in a quiet voice.

Remus assumes James' has nodded because Peter starts again. "Good. Pomfrey give him any potions?"

"Just a little something for the nausea," James answers. "He's alright, guys. No need for you two to worry, Moony's just under the weather is all,"

"I'm not just worried about the illness" Sirius mutters. "He hasn't spoken to me in weeks! How much longer could he possibly stay mad for?"

Remus doesn't open his eyes but he can tell that Peter and James are sharing some sort of a glance with one another right now.

Peter sighs. "Look, Padfoot, we all hate Snape. Hate him a whole bunch. But not enough to compromise Moony or his conditions privacy," He says in a tone that adults often hold while talking to a small child. "You didn't think. None of us ever do,"

"Moony hasn't spoken to me in weeks," Sirius repeats softly. "I just miss my best friend and I want him to miss me too,"

"Then talk to him-"

Sirius cuts Peter off with a growl. "I'm not going to talk to someone who's just going to ignore me. Maybe if he weren't being so stubborn, then this would all be over with and everything would go back to normal again!"

Remus shudders his eyes open slightly to see James shrug. "These things take time, you need to let him heal. Now come on, let's get to class. Somebody take Moony's notes for him, yeah? One of us can come fetch him at lunch, if he's feeling any better," 

There's a murmur from the other two mauarders before they leave the dormitory, leaving Remus to himself. Well, Remus and his kidney bean sized baby to themselves. He rolls on his side, adjusting his pyjamas slightly to see if there's any chance to his body that he may not have noticed before yesterday's discovery.

"Oh," He says softly. "Pudgy little thing, aren't you?" He says to his stomach. Remus sighs. "Pomfrey hasn't done any ultrasound on you yet, little one, but I'm sure you're doing good. Well, I hope you are anyways. I've been quite sick, I wonder if that's a bad sign, eh?" Remus spoke softly to his tummy.

"Your daddy and I aren't really speaking right now. I'm not sure if I can tell him about you" Remus hums. "I'm scared," Remus admits softly. "I'm scared to carry you, to have you, to raise you. I don't know if I can do it all on my own. But I'll try. I'm only seventeen, little love, but I'll try my best to make sure you always have what you need,"

With a yawn, Remus pulls himself up from the bed. He pulls his Gryffindor jumper over his head, deciding he probably shouldn't loll in bed all day. Once dressed, he gently pats his tummy. "Let's go get your checked up, make sure your alright in there,"

Making his way to the hospital wing, Remus encounters Lily and Marlene. Marlene whom Remus is certain that his troublesome baby daddy has got the hots for.

"Hey! Remus, how're you? You weren't in Charms this morning. Sirius mentioned you were feeling ill, you alright?" Marlene inquires with a cheery grin.

Remus hates how he can't hate her. He ignores how his heart skips a beat to hear that Sirius had discussed him, despite zsirius discussing him with Marlene.

He stiffs a small smile. "I'm okay, just a bit sick is all. Did we take any important notes in Charms?" He asks.

Marlene shakes her head, blonde locks moving with her. "Not that I can think of. If you'd like my notebook, you're more than welcome to it,"

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