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They don't talk much on the train ride back. Silence cloaks them like a nontransparent veil. The train is practically empty, just the two of them and an elderly woman who's sat near the front ehile they occupy the back.

Sirius sighs, shakily, and glances towards Remus. Remus looks away from the window for a moment, catching Sirius' eyes.

"You've been very quiet," Sirius says softly. "You're okay, aren't you?" He offers gently.

Remus nods. He sighs. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking, I guess," He answers.

Sirius pauses. "You aren't cross with me, are you, Moony?" He hesitates before asking but the question slips out before he can prevent it.

Remus doesn't reply for a minute, going back to hazing oiy the window before he clears his throat. "No, I'm not," He pauses. "I just wish you'd be honest about that night before now. Now I just feel like an idiot,"

"Why?" Sirius squints. "You're the cleverest person I know,"

Renus shakes his head. "I wish you'd told me," He turns to Sirius. "About what Snape said,"

Sirius sighs. "I didn't want to hurt you," He bites his lip. "But I did any was by not telling you and by acting on impulse, I'm sorry, kid,"

"I just don't understand how he knew..." Remus trails. "How could he have known? It's ridiculous,"

Sirius nods in agreement. "I know, love, I know. He's a prejudice prat, don't worry about what he thinks,"

"Maybe he isn't the only one who thinks it....I'm sure everyone in our year has already put it together that she's yours and Elliot's going to have your name too, they'll all know for definite-"

Sirius cuts him off. "They'll know what? That I love you? That the tiny little girl in your belly is mine? So what if they know? I don't care, I'm not ashamed of it and you shouldn't be either," He urges strongly. "They don't know what you are and it doesn't matter regardless," He whispers.

"I never thought about it that Snape would've had to have riled you up. I just," Remus pauses. "I'm sorry, I just thought the worst of you completely. Like you had set me up. I never thought about the bigger picture that you were provoked. It never crossed my mind,"

Sirius nods slowly, gazing over Remus' features. "That's okay, Remus. I never wanted to push it onto you because no mater what provoked me, it doesn't excuse that I did it anyways," He whispers.

Remus looks at him, his brown eyes meeting Sirius' grey ones. "You should've told me, y'know? It would've made it a lot easier to process," He says gently.

"I know, kid, I know. I just didn't want to hurt you more than I'd already done," Sirius speaks softly. "Your mum probably hates me, God, things go so rough I thought she was going to kick me out," He says softly.

Remus shakes his head. "She loves you, my mum loves you, alright? She's just very protective of me, I suppose. She's always been.....ever since dad skipped out, she's taken on that kind of role. Mum was just upset, we all were. I'm sorry she got so upset and angry, she was just trying to look out for me. Despite me not needing that looking out, y'know?"

Sirius nods. "I get it, kid. It's nice that she's so firecly protective of you,"

There is a sadness laced within his tone.

Remus places a hand to his belly, glancing down at the bump. "Elliot's kicking, she must know all the excitement today was for her," He changes the subject swiftly, curtly wanting to move on from the topic; having grown tired of discussing it.

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