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Minerva McGonagall is a pleasantly understanding witch. Stern, but pleasantly understanding. So that is why when Remus Lupin seats himself opposite her in her office, she isn't alarmed.

It is when he announces his expectancy that she is.

"Remus, I'm not going to lie, I am very taken back. You're such a clever boy, how could something like this happen?" McGonagall inquires, brows furrowing together.

Remus feels some sort of shame wash over him as he shrugs. "I-I don't know, it wasn't planned, professor. I've been meaning to tell you for quite awhile now, but it kept slipping my mind,"

McGonagall nods. "Well, my boy," She starts. "You're an incredible student, let that be known. I have no doubt in my mind that you will do anything but prevail as a parent. This will not excuse lacking in your studies because I am hoping you will maintain your academic standard, yes?"

"Yes, professor," Remus swallows.

"Very well, Remus. I will discuss an allowance for tardiness with your other professors and explain your situation. This may also present you with some leeway for your homework and assignments. My office is always a safe place for you, Remus. I will extend my office whenever you may need to talk,"

Remus smiles softly. "Thank you, professor McGonagall," He thanks her.

McGonagall's thin lips twist into a smile. "It is very unexpected coming from you, Remus, but congratulations are in order. How far along are you?" She asks.

"I'm just four months," Remus answers.

McGonagall raises an eyebrow. "I see, you don't look very pregnant as of now, your robes hide it well which I'm sure has been beneficial,"

Remus nods. He thanks her before leaving for his dorm.

Once there, he settles into bed, despite it being barely past two in the afternoon, with his book. 

James is sweat soaked and rather dirty when he enters the dorm later that evening. Remus had been trying to nap a little, catch up on lost sleep from the terrifying night prior.

"Prongs," Remus wrinkles his nose. "Go shower, you smell like quidditch,"

"Moony," James smiles brightly. "Oh gods. You had us so worried last night, you're alright, aren't you? Your baby's okay too? Everything's okay?" James quizzes.

Remus nods. "Yeah, yeah. Everything's good, just a slight complication, but she's okay," He smiles at his friend. "Pomfrey told me that the baby's a girl," He announces softly.

James grins. "That's amazing, mate. Wow, a little she-Moony," He laughs. "Congratulations,"

Remus thanks him.

James turns on his heel to exit when he stops. "Hey, you ever think about telling the others?" He asks, turning back around to face Remus.

Remus shrugs. "Eventually," He bites his lip. "I uh, I'm not really sure I could trust Sirius with it as of now," He lies. As if it isn't Sirius' daughter.

James only nods. Like he could ever understand. "That's your choice, Moony. Congrats on your baby girl, can't wait to meet her," James laughs fondly. Once he departs to wash the scent of a victorious quidditch match off of him, Remus returns to reading his pregnancy book.

He skims through the paragraphs on nutrition and starts to delve deeper into it until he hears giddy laughter. Sirius and Marlene, most likely. Remus rolls his eyes, turning over the page.

The giggling grows closer and Remus quickly shuts his book, slamming it under his bed before the door swings open and Sirius and Marlene, lips connected, stumble into the room.

CHASING PAVEMENTS  ⇒ wolfstarजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें