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It was like a weight was lifted off of Olivia once Nick apologized to her and agreed to be her partner. She didn't feel as unwanted at the precinct as she had the day before. She really got into being a cop again, even if she wasn't arresting people. But in the end, the hardest part was having to go to court and testify. 

She hated the way that a special stand had to be set up every time she testified, and that it always took her awhile to wheel herself from the back and up front. People stared, but she just tried to get past it.

Several months went by, and everything just seemed to get better. Spring came and the snow finally melted, Amy turned two, and Alex and Casey were planning like crazy for their baby to be born. Everyone was happy, and even if Olivia and Elliot hadn't managed to have another baby yet, they were still in love and happy to just be healthy and together.

"Amy needs a big girl bed. She is getting out of that crib pretty much as soon as I lift up the side." Olivia sighed, as she wheeled into her bedroom and found her husband on his laptop.

"What? She's only two-"

"El, two is old enough for a big girl bed. And I don't want her to get her fingers caught at all when she's making her escape... at least the house is all on one level, so we don't have to worry about her fall down stairs or anything when she runs around the house at night." Olivia sighed.

"Do we get rid of the crib or just put it away?" Elliot asked, as Olivia moved onto the bed. She pulled the blankets over her legs before shrugging.

"I don't know. Like, I don't want to throw it away just for me to get pregnant." Olivia sighed.

"I also kinda don't want to think that our daughter is mature enough to sleep in a normal bed... she's still my baby." Elliot whispered.

"But maybe she'll stay in her bed if it's a bed and not a crib. She might just not like the crib anymore."

"Okay. If you insist. We can go shopping for a bed for her tomorrow." Elliot frowned. He shut his computer before sitting it to the side and slipping under the sheets. He slipped closer to his wife, before running his hands over her waist before moving his hands up her body.

"El, you asked me to put Amy down tonight because you were tired... now you want to sleep with me?" Olivia teased.

"We gotta keep trying for a baby to put in that crib... might as well work on it tonight." Elliot grinned, before kissing his wife's neck gently.


The next morning, Olivia and Elliot packed Amy up to take her shopping for a big girl bed. When they got to the store, Amy sat on her mother's lap and kept talking about getting a big bed. She thought she was getting one the size of her parents', but that would never fit in her bedroom and was way too big for a toddler.

"Mama, this!" Amy smiled, as she pointed at the first bed they saw. Olivia rolled her eyes as she stopped and looked at the bed.

"Amy, this bed is way too big for you." Olivia chuckled, as she wrapped an arm around her daughter's waist so she couldn't climb off her lap and go running around.

"But I like it! Please?!" Amy cried, as she turned around and tried to guilt trip her mother. She started to pout, as Elliot joined them.

"Miss, don't you dare try and make your Mama feel bad. This is too big for you. We are here for little beds." Elliot sighed.

"Meanie." Amy huffed, before climbing off of her mother's lap and quickly reaching her arms up to her father.

The rest of their shopping was very eventful. Amy kept throwing fits and trying to crawl under things to get away from her parents. They gave up after two hours of searching, and by the time Olivia had hit her breaking point.

"She needs a nap and something to eat." Olivia grumbled, as she and her husband tried to get out of the mall as fast as possible. Especially since Amy was starting to get really bad.

"Do you want me to take her out to the car and calm her down? You could look around some more if you want." Elliot questioned, as he held a squirming Amy in his arms.

"Please... I'll be out soon." Olivia breathed. Elliot nodded before leaving his wife without another word. Olivia took a few slow breaths to try and calm herself down because she felt like screaming, just like her toddler had did while searching for her new bed.


Olivia looked around the mall for about twenty minutes, before finding herself in the children's section of Target. She picked up a few dresses for Amy along with a new pair of shoes for her since she had grown out of all of her other ones.

"Have something to tell us?" A soft voice chuckled. Olivia turned around from where she was staring at newborn clothes before smiling when she saw Casey and Alex standing behind her.

"No, nothing to tell... I guess that I could buy a few things since you two are going to make me an aunt." Olivia smiled. Alex and Casey took turns leaning down to hug Olivia before they went back to talking.

"So, you and Elliot are usually together on your days off. So where is the husband and the kid?" Casey asked, and Olivia sighed as she looked down at the dresses on her lap.

"Amy needs a big girl bed. She threw a fit when we wouldn't buy her the biggest bed there, so El is outside with her to calm down and I'm trying to relax in here." Olivia sighed.

"She can't be old enough for a big girl bed... I feel like she was born just days ago." Alex frowned.

"Yeah, I feel like it too. But we can't just keep treating her like a baby, especially since there might never be another kid to spoil... uh, I need to get out to the car. I'll see you two this weekend." Olivia sighed.

"Liv, maybe it's time to look into help. Casey had to go through IVF shots to just get pregnant with this baby." Alex spoke.

"I'm scared that I'll go in and they will say that my injury makes it impossible. Then it'll make every real... so we are just gonna keep trying until I'm too old for it to work. Now, enjoy your day."

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