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"NO!" Fin screamed as he watched as Olivia fall to what he was assuming would be her death. No one could survive a ten story drop onto cement. No one.

Olivia's piercing screams left her mouth as she tried her hardest to grab onto anything as she fell. She wanted to grab a windowsill or even a tree branch. But she didn't manage to grab a thing. And as she fell, she saw Amy's sweet face flash through her mind. She saw the day she was born. The day she even found out that she was pregnant flashed through her mind. But as she grew closer to the ground, she accepted that she was going to die. That she would be leaving her daughter and husband.

Everyone on the ground was shocked when they had seen Olivia slip from Fin's grip, and the bag was barely in place to catch her. Elliot was sobbing, and everything was moving in slow motion as he watched his wife fall. 

And then the noise.


Fin was shaking as he sat on the edge of the ambulance. He only had minor injuries. Like scrapes on his arms from where Olivia's nails dragged across his skin as she slipped. Or burns from the brick when he tried his hardest to get Olivia over the edge. But no matter how little his body was hurt, his mind was fucked up. 

"Fin!" Munch yelled, and Fin swallowed hard as he lifted his eyes from his bandaged arms and looked at his CO.

"Sir, I'm so sorry." Fin breathed.

"What the hell happened?! All I was told was that one detective was shoved off a roof and the other tried to pull her over!"

"We got here and a girl was shoved over the roof and landed on our sedan... so I called for a bus. But then I told Olivia to go up to the roof to see if she could find anything... the killer was still up there, Munch. And he pushed Olivia over the edge. I couldn't pull her over because the ledge was so high up... and she was so weak... She slipped from my grip, sir." Fin struggled to explained as tears slipped down his cheeks.

He's never the one to start crying when things get tough, but he was right now. He was terrified of what was happening with Olivia.

"Where is Olivia?" Munch demanded.

"She's at the hospital. They didn't know what was wrong with her when they left. She was unconscious and barely hit the bag... it was really bad."

"Fin, let them take you to the hospital. You are probably in shock... I'll stay here. Where's Amanda?"

"She's upstairs... with a few officers. Uh, I'm not hurt, John. Please-"

"Go to the hospital. We will be there soon."


At the hospital, Elliot sat with Alex and Casey. Olivia had been rushed into a trauma room, and no one had been out since. Elliot didn't know if they had rushed her to surgery or not, so he and Olivia's best friends just had to sit and wait as patiently as possible.

"Did she hit the bag?" Alex asked, as she held her girlfriend's hand and rubbed Elliot's arm gently.

"Her upper half did... but from about her hips down didn't. They said that she might have broken her back, but they didn't know." Elliot breathed. He was thinking about his wife being disabled for the rest of her life because she fell from a ten story building.

"Is Amy still at daycare?" Alex asked, and Elliot nodded slowly.

"Yeah... but she can only stay there till five. So I have to leave to get her." Elliot frowned.

"No. We will go get her and take her back to your place. Just keep us in the loop, okay?" Alex spoke, and Elliot nodded.

"Thanks guys. I'll call them and warn them." Elliot breathed. He stood and was hugged by his wife's best friends, before sinking back down after they left.

Elliot called the daycare before raking his fingers through his hair as he closed his eyes and started to silently pray for his wife.

"I'm sorry." Fin spoke, and Elliot looked at Fin with wide eyes.

"Why? You tried your hardest to save her." Elliot breathed.

"Because I don't think that I did enough. I couldn't get her up."

"It wasn't your fault. It wasn't Liv's either..."

"How is she?" Fin asked quietly, and Elliot sighed as patted the seat beside him.

"Her condition is unknown. They won't tell me a damn thing and it sucks."

"Do you-"

"Fin, I want you to sit here and just wait with me. Okay?"



Hours went by and they weren't told a thing. Elliot was angry because it was like they were hiding something from him. Or that they didn't even have the decency to tell him if his wife was dead or alive.

 "You gotta be able to tell me something about my wife! Anything!" Elliot exclaimed, as he stood at the nurses station. 


"Mr. Stabler! Please calm down. I have information." A doctor spoke out of nowhere. Elliot turned quickly and eyed the man.

"What's wrong with my wife?"

"She is still unconscious. We tried our hardest to repair the damage to her spine, but we don't know if what we did is the fix. Her back was severally injured in the fall."

"Is she responding to anything?" Elliot asked.

"She responds to us poking her arms, but not her legs."

Elliot felt ill as those words left the doctor's mouth. Because he knew that his wife would be destroyed if she never got to walk again. If she never got to be a detective again. If she never got to run after Amelia or any future kids.

"Can I see her?" Elliot asked weakly.

"Not right now. In the morning we will let you see her. Until then, go home. This will be a long and hard recovery for your wife. And for you even."

Elliot nodded slowly before running his fingers through his hair.

"Okay... but if she wakes up, I need you to tell her that I was here. And I want to know. If she wants to talk, I want her to talk to me first. Got it?"

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now