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With Dr. Smith's permission, Olivia and Elliot started to actively try to get Julia to come sooner. Elliot was still a little nervous about trying to get his daughter to come earlier, especially since Olivia's whole pregnancy had been a difficult and a higher risk one.

"What are you doing here?" Elliot asked, as his wife stopped beside his desk.

"Uh, I think something might be starting... so we need to get to the hospital." Olivia replied. Elliot's eyes went wide as he quickly pushed his chair back.

"Are you having contractions? And where is Amy?" Elliot questioned rapidly.

"Amy is with Lucy, and yeah. Dr. Smith told me to come in once things started to move, and these contractions are edging on twelve minutes apart." Olivia breathed as she watched her husband's face go pale.

"Okay. Uh, let me talk to John real quick and then we can head out."


"Go wait by the elevator! I'll be back soon!" Elliot exclaimed, before standing and running towards back office.

"Whoa, what's wrong with him?" Amanda asked, as she walked over to her partner's wife.

"He's freaking out because I'm pretty sure that I'm in labor, and he isn't prepared. Not even close." Olivia sighed.

"How isn't he prepared? Don't you want Julia to come sooner rather than later so you can get into that trial?" Amanda asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, but that doesn't stop Elliot from freaking out. I should have just driven right to the hospital than contacted him. He yelled at me to wait by the elevator, so I guess I'll see you later."


Elliot was in full on panic mode when he and his wife arrived at the hospital. Olivia drove, which she was thankful for since her husband was all over the place. He even started to say that Julia was going to be sick and that it was all their fault.

"El, c'mon." Olivia called as she waited by the entrance to the ER. Her husband was standing by the trunk of their car, and he appeared to be zoned out.

"Elliot Stabler, get your ass up here because Julia is coming whether we are ready or not!" Olivia yelled.

"She's going to be sick, and it's our fault! We are going to be the reason why our baby is going to be too small!" Elliot hissed.

"What? Elliot, I'm thirty-seven weeks pregnant! She's not going to be small, because Dr. Smith said she might be edging on seven pounds already!"

"You... you are being selfish, Olivia!" Elliot yelled, and Olivia swallowed hard as she looked at him.

"We agreed that for our family, this was what we wanted to do! That if I could walk again, that we wanted that! So stop calling me selfish and go back to work... I'll do this alone!" Olivia cried.

Elliot stomped in the opposite direction of the hospital as his wife wheeled herself in slowly. She couldn't believe that they were fighting about this right now, when Julia was going to be Earthside in a matter of hours.

Olivia made it into the ER before pulling her phone out and dialing Alex's number. She was crying as she waited for her friend to answer her call.

"Hey, Liv. How are you?" Alex asked.

"N-not really good right now... can you come to the hospital? I need someone here for me." Olivia whimpered.

"What? What's happening? Are you and Julia okay?!" Alex asked rapidly.

"I'm in labor and Elliot and I just got into a huge fight. I need someone here with me, because even if I don't want him here... I can't do this alone."

"Okay, take a breath. I'm going to be there soon. Just send me a text with your room number and I will be there when Julia is born."


Elliot walked back into the precinct after taking an hour to walk back. He was still pissed off, but now he was also completely soaked thanks to a freak downpour. He stomped over to his desk and sank down into his chair as everyone stared at him.

"Stabler, what are you doing back?" John asked, as he left his office.

"I'm working." Elliot grumbled.

"But didn't you leave like over an hour ago because Olivia is in labor?" Amanda questioned.

"So? She said she'd do it alone, so I'm not going to sit around and wait." Elliot huffed.

"Are you kidding me? Elliot, get back to the hospital and be there for your wife!" John ordered.

"You can't order me to do this, Munch! Julia is going to be sick because of my fucking wife!" Elliot yelled.

"Julia is going to be completely fine, Elliot. Olivia and I talked about it last night when she called me to talk. There is no reason why she would be sick, unless something happens during labor. So, do you really want to leave Olivia alone and scared because you are freaking out?" Amanda asked.

"Amanda, this is none of your business. Leave me alone. ALL OF YOU!" Elliot yelled, but no one was going to leave him alone. 

"This is Liv we are talking about, Elliot... with everything she has been through, tonight is not the night to start fighting with her. And do you really want to miss your second daughter being born?" Fin asked quietly from his desk. 

Elliot swallowed hard before shaking his head.

"I'm scared." Elliot finally broke.

"Scared of what?" Amanda frowned.

"I'm scared of how having Julia will affect Olivia... and I'm scared about the trial. It's a big thing, and it could do more harm than it could good. And since Julia is being born tonight, there is no shot of Olivia missing this trial."


Julia didn't take long to arrive. Alex had arrived just moments before Olivia was given the green light to start pushing. 

"She is such a cutie." Alex smiled as she stood beside Olivia and looked at her niece.

"And she's healthy... He was being an ass for no reason and missed yet another one of kids being born." Olivia frowned as she snuggled her daughter close.

"Alex, can you give us the room?" Elliot whispered from the door. Olivia looked up from Julia before swallowing hard when she saw her husband.

"It's a little late, El. You already missed our daughter being born and you hurt me, again."

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang