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Olivia didn't waste anymore time getting to the victim. But like all the other victims that were pushed or jumped off roofs or through windows, always died when they hit the cement or a car. Olivia couldn't find a pulse, so she quickly took her jacket off and draped it over her body so that no one would see her in this compromising position.

"She's dead." Olivia spoke as she turned and looked at her partner.

"Okay... uh, go up top. I'll wait down here."

"You want me to go up to the roof where this woman was pushed off? What if the guy is still up there?" Olivia asked, and Fin shook his head.

"He's not up there. The person who shoved her has run off by now. Just go up there and see if you can find anything... before it gets blown away or a pigeon shits on it."


Olivia didn't want to go up to the roof, but Fin was right. They needed to gather evidence before anything was disturbed. So Olivia took the stairs to the roof and looked around. She was in tears as she looked over and saw the body on top of the sedan. 

"Shit... that's horrible." Olivia whispered as she started to hear more sirens. She stared for a few more moments before turning around and looking around the roof. She made her way to the other side, before sighing when she didn't find a damn thing.

Until she did.

"You shouldn't have come up here, honey. It's dangerous on the roof." A man with thick glasses smiled as he came towards Olivia.

"Uh-" She started, and he just shook his head as he lunged towards her. Olivia quickly stepped back as her heart started to pound in her chest.

"There is nowhere to go, love. Maybe over the edge would be the best way for you to get to your destination." He grinned.

"I don't want any trouble... please just let me go down the stairs." Olivia breathed weakly.

"You are going downstairs... just without the stairs." He grinned again. That grin made Olivia's skin crawl and her stomach knot up.

"Please don't." Olivia begged, as he continued to back her closer and closer to the raised edge of the roof.

"Keep begging, hon.. I'm never letting you down alive. Especially because you will narc on me... and I don't wanna go to jail. So either jump yourself, or I'll just shove you off."

Olivia felt as her legs touched the edge of the roof and she could barely hear a thing because her heartbeat was heard loudly in her ears.

"What's your name?" Olivia asked weakly as she prepared herself to die.

"None of your business."

"I-i have a family... I have a baby at home! Please don't do this." Olivia begged.

"I could really give less of a fuck. Now, bye." The man grinned before he gave Olivia a shove. 

A scream left Olivia's mouth as she tumbled over the edge of the roof. She failed her arms as she fell and her heart skipped a beat as she managed to grab onto the edge of the roof.

"Oh, shit." She panted as Fin yelled up at Olivia.

"Help me! Fin, please save me." Olivia sobbed as she tried to stay as still as possible.

"Liv, I'm coming. Just hold on!" Fin yelled back.

"The killer is up here! He shoved me off!"


Elliot and Amanda heard that Fin had called for a bus, so they headed over to the address that was given. When they arrived, Amanda looked up at the building with wide eyes.


"What? What's wrong?" Elliot asked.

"I think your wife is dangling off the edge of the building." Amanda whispered.

Elliot quickly climbed out of his sedan as tears welled in his eyes.

"Baby!" Elliot yelled.

"I can't hold on for much longer... Please help me!" Olivia screamed.

"I've gotta get to her!" Elliot exclaimed, before running towards the building, but an officer stopped him.

"She said that the killer is on the roof. Another detective ran up there to help her, but I'm not supposed to let anyone else up there."

"That's my wife. I'm not just gonna stay down here and wait!" Elliot yelled.

"The fire department is on their way. They are bringing that bag thing to catch her if she falls. She just has to hold on for a few more minutes."

"I'm not letting the love of my life dangle from that fucking roof without even giving my best shot to catch her. So fucking move out of my way before I kick your ass."


Olivia's arms were on fire by the time that Fin managed to get to the roof and clear it. The killer had disappeared into thin air, so he didn't have to worry too much about pulling Olivia back up.

"Okay, I'm here. Just hold on." Fin spoke as he leaned over the edge of the roof and tried to figure out the best way to grab Olivia and pull her up. He didn't want her to slip and fall to her death, because he knew that he'd never forgive himself if he allowed her to die. But then again, he already hated himself for sending her to the roof when she didn't even want to go up there.

"Please get me up. My hands are starting to shake... I'm not strong enough to hold myself up..." Olivia sniffled as she looked up and locked eyes with Fin.

"I've got you. Okay?"

"Okay." Olivia whispered. Fin reached down and grabbed Olivia's wrist before trying to find another hand hold. 

"I don't care where you touch me, Fin. Just get me up."

"I'm sorry. I don't know where to grab you... I'm sorry." Fin breathed.

"Just start pulling now. I'll help as much as I can." Olivia spoke. Fin gave her a hesitant nod before starting to try and pull Olivia up.

Olivia was so weak at this point that she was of barely any help. She tried to help, but even as Fin tried to pull Olivia up, it was incredibly hard. Then it happened.

Fin's hand slipped off of Olivia's wrist and then her other arm. He let out a cry as he grasped for whatever bit of Olivia he could grab.

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now