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Olivia gasped as she opened her eyes. Everything around her was blurry, and she did not understand what had happened. Or what was happening in general. 

"Olivia." A familiar voice whispered, and Olivia rubbed her eyes before finding the person who spoke to her.


"How are you feeling?" George Huang asked softly.

"I don't know... what happened?" Olivia breathed, as she went to push herself up. She stopped short as tears rushed to her eyes since she had been struck with an intense pain in her stomach and chest.

"You were shot." Huang breathed.

"Shot?" Olivia whispered.

"A man walked into the precinct and shot you four times. You almost died."

"George... I need to see Elliot." Olivia spoke, as she brushed a few tears from her cheeks.

"You can't see him, Olivia. You are now a member of the witness protection program. We are going to keep you safe."

"What?" Olivia whimpered.

"The FBI caught wind of what your shooter was planning, and they orchestrated this all. They got you to this hospital and are working on your new identity as we speak."

"I don't want to be someone else! I want to be me! I want to go back to SVU!" Olivia sobbed. George stood and moved to Olivia. He rested his hand gently against her shoulder before leaning close.

"We want to be able to send you back eventually. But until then, you need to work with us. You need to be brave and strong."

"George." Olivia sniffled.

"I'll be checking in on you along the way. I promise. Now, get some rest. I'll go get your doctor."


Elliot sat at his desk and stared at the shrine across from him. Olivia's desk had always been a mess, but now it had pictures, flowers, and candles. Everyone was mourning her loss, and he couldn't get away from it. He didn't think that he would be walking around in a fog five days after his best friend, partner, and love of his life had been killed.

"We can move all of that." Cragen spoke softly, as he sat on the edge of his detective's desk.

"Half of these people didn't even know her. They are just doing this because she was an officer and they were too." Elliot sighed.

"I know. So why don't I just throw all of this stuff away." Cragen spoke, before standing and grabbing a frame. 

"Not that!" Elliot screamed, and Cragen's eyes went wide as he quickly dropped the frame back onto Olivia's desk.

"What?!" Cragen asked, shocked.

"That is of me and Olivia. That stays. Everything that was hers... it stays. Don't touch anything." Elliot growled, before standing quickly and pushing his Captain out of the way. Cragen let out a small sigh before leaving Elliot to do what he was going to do.

Elliot threw away all of the new pictures, flowers, and candles before arranging Olivia's desk how she had had it. He straightened everything before looking at the picture that Cragen almost threw away.

Elliot took it into his shaking hands before swallowing hard.

"I miss you, Benson." Elliot whispered.


Elliot finished his shift up at six before leaving for the night. He barely made it down the stairs before hearing sniffling to the side. Elliot looked around before seeing Casey looking up at the precinct as she cried.

Elliot knew that Casey and Olivia had been close, but he hated that other people were mourning Olivia. 

"Casey, stop crying." Elliot grumbled, as he approached the distraught redhead.

"I can't stop thinking about her, Elliot... I miss her so-"

"I don't care about how much you miss her. Stop crying. You don't know how it feels to really lose her." Elliot growled.

"What? She was my-"

"I loved her, Casey." Elliot spat.

"I loved her too!" Casey cried.

"You have no right to mourn her! You haven't known her for that long, so stop crying and blubbering like you were actually close to her! You didn't know her!" Elliot screamed.

"Why are you such an asshole?!" Casey sobbed, before she turned and walked away.

"Why are you such a fake bitch?!"

Elliot punched the brick building just moments after Casey ran away. He was so angry. 

He was pissed off at Olivia for dying, but he was mostly pissed off at himself for fighting with her. For not dating her when he had the chance. Instead, he pushed too hard and Olivia walked into the hall and got shot. She got shot four times and nothing could stop the bleeding.

He could close his eyes and still see the way Olivia's skin grew pale, and how blood dripped from her partially open lips. 

"Stabler-" Cragen started, but Elliot shook his head as he held his bleeding fist.

"Stay the fuck away from me."


Olivia slept on and off for the rest of the day. She woke up the next morning, just in time for a nurse to finish changing the bandages on her chest and stomach.

"I need to make a call." Olivia whispered, as she grabbed the nurse's arm.

"Olivia, I'm not allowed to give you a phone. You aren't allowed to get in contact with your former friends until your agent gives you the all clear."


"Olivia, what I have heard is that someone came after you. There is nothing that I can do for you, other than be your nurse, because your life will be at risk."

"I'm scared... I miss my friends. I miss them all so much." Olivia whimpered.

"I know you do. But wouldn't you rather be alive?"

"She's just being stubborn." Huang spoke from the doorway.

"George, if you can't take me back to everyone than I don't want to see you." Olivia huffed.

"Olivia, we are going to tell you about your new identity. You are getting moved soon."

"I'm not-"

"You will get killed for real next time if we let you go back." Huang warned, and Olivia swallowed hard before brushing a few tears from her cheek.

"Just tell me." Olivia whispered.

"Once you are outside of this hospital, your name will be Margaret Montgomery. You are a banker from Boston that just got transferred to Elizabeth. You are going to have to work on your Boston accent." 

"I'm going to be so alone." Olivia whispered, as she took a folder from George so that she can memorize her new backstory.

"You'll make new friends and I'll check in."

"It just won't be the same."

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now