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Amy was exhausted from her day of being a little brat, so she went to bed nearly an hour earlier than she usually does. Elliot was busy researching beds online, because he and his wife both realized that ordering one online would cut out all the fuss that today had brought.

Olivia eventually came into the kitchen with her own laptop on her lap, before sitting it on the table and looking at her husband.

"Hey, baby. Whatcha doing?" Elliot asked as he reached over and gently rubbed his wife's arm.

"I... I've been looking into fertility clinics and doctors that can tell me if I can have more kids." Olivia breathed. She had been so sure when she left the mall that she didn't want to get help in getting pregnant, because she was scared that it would never work. She hated that it was so easy to have Amy, but it was incredibly hard to give her a sibling.

"What?" Elliot asked, as he pulled his eyes away from his computer and locked eyes with his wife.

"I saw Casey and Alex at the mall... and they found me in front of the newborn clothes. El, I really want a baby. And I know you do too, but it just isn't happening. I feel so bad-"

"Don't feel bad, baby. We will get another baby soon, trust me." Elliot smiled, before leaning close and kissing Olivia. He could feel her lips shaking, and he knew that her anxiety had gotten worse through out the day as she researched fertility doctors and kept beating herself up about not being able to give him another kid.

"I just keep thinking that my fall just messed everything up... and I think that you might not want to be with me anymore... if we find out what we have known all along." Olivia started to cry.

"I am never going to leave you, Olivia. I was still faithful to you, even when I thought you were dead. And in the end, if we have to adopt... I'm going to be willing to adopt."

"Are you sure?" Olivia sobbed, as she clung to her husband.

"Of course I'm sure! I'm going to be with you through this all, Olivia. I promise."


Olivia had to wait a month before she was called and told that the clinic had an unexpected opening. Olivia and Elliot rushed over, because they wanted to start getting answers now before they got even more disappointed than they already were.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stabler?" Dr. Owens asked, as she came into the exam room where Olivia and Elliot had been waiting for awhile.

Olivia's blood had been drawn, and they had been waiting for well over an hour for the quickest results to come back.

"That's us." Elliot spoke, since his wife couldn't speak.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm Dr. Owens, and I plan on helping you two have a baby. Now, lets' get down to the questions." She smiled.

Dr. Owens grabbed her stool before stopping short when she saw Olivia's wheelchair in the corner. 

"How long have you been in a wheelchair?" She asked, and Olivia sighed softly as she looked down at her hands.

"Since September of last year. I fell off a roof." Olivia breathed, as she felt Elliot running his hand over her back.

"From what point down are you paralyzed?" 

"From her waist down. The doctors don't believe that she'll ever gain feeling in her legs or be able to walk again." Elliot frowned, as he continued to rub his wife's back.

"Do you think that that is the reason why you haven't been able to get pregnant?" Dr. Owens asked softly.

"I assume so..." Olivia trailed off as she started to feel the burn of tears in her eyes.

"You two will be parents in no time. We will do everything in our power to make this happen." 

"We have a daughter, she's two." Elliot spoke quickly.

"Oh, I didn't see that on your file. Did you need help to conceive her?" 

"No, she was very unexpected. But it was so easy, and we have been trying for a baby since like... January or maybe even before. And nothing." Olivia grumbled as her sadness turned to just being completely pissed off.

"Alright, now we are going to run a bunch of tests on both of you. Starting with Olivia and moving to you, Elliot. Blood work, internal exams, ultrasound. It will be a long process, so I want to make sure you two are both up for it." Dr. Owens spoke.

"We are completely ready for this." Olivia and Elliot said in unison.


From the looks of it, nothing was physically wrong with Olivia that could cause these issues conceiving. Her hormones seemed to be right on the mark they needed to be, and Elliot's sperm count was the normal for a man his age. Dr. Owens didn't know why they were having trouble getting pregnant, so she recommended harvesting eggs. 

"How many do you hope that you can retrieve?" Olivia asked, as she she pulled the cap on her head before Elliot helped her tuck in the ends of her braids.

"I'm hoping for at least ten. But the more eggs we can harvest today, the better chance you two have of getting pregnant before the end of the year. We will test them all, and then fertilize the ones that don't have any problems." Dr. Owens explained, as she stood at the foot of Olivia's bed.

"Okay." Olivia breathed, before closing her eyes and trying to even out her breathing. She was freaking out, but she had been like this for the last month of all the testing and shots.

"Elliot, we will bring Olivia back in an hour or so. She's going to be sedated since it's a very uncomfortable experience, but we should be able to tell you how many we could get before you two head home."

"Sounds good." Elliot smiled.

Dr. Owens left the room, and Elliot turned to look at his wife as she looked up at him.

"Are you sure that you want to do this? You haven't changed your mind yet?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I'm so ready for this, El. I just hope we don't leave heartbroken."

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now