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"So they aren't even going to try?" Elliot frowned as he brushed tears from his wife's cheeks.

"N-no... I'm going to be stuck in this chair forever because the timing of us getting pregnant and the trial wasn't great." Olivia sniffled.

"We will get you into another one... one that is significantly better than this one! A trial that will help you gain feeling in your limbs and help you walk again! We just can't give up!" Elliot smiled, but Olivia didn't match his excitement. 

"We are getting Julia, and I think that she will probably be the last good thing to happen to us." Olivia grumbled, as she wiped at the tears on her cheeks before rolling herself back.

"Babe-" Elliot started, but Olivia shook her head instead.

"N-no. I'm giving up, okay? Now, take me home... I want to cuddle Amy and go to bed."


Olivia hated that she was being denied a spot in the trial for spinal injuries just because she was pregnant. She was more than willing to trade her ability to walk for Julia, even if it broke her heart every time she thought about losing her only chance to walk again.

Elliot, Alex, and Casey all tried to get Olivia to look on the bright side and to not lose hope, but she had lost it long ago.

"We are getting closer to meeting our daughter." Elliot smiled as he climbed into bed beside his wife. Olivia was going through something on her phone that was more interesting than her husband at the moment.

"Liv? Earth to Olivia?" Elliot spoke as he reached over and gently poked his wife's stomach. She quickly looked away from her phone before looking at her husband.

"Sorry... what were you saying?" She questioned.

"I said that we are getting closer to meeting our daughter, but you didn't hear me. What's happening?"

"O-oh, yeah. Four more weeks... and nothing is happening. Just got caught up in reading something." Olivia replied plainly. She locked her phone before sitting on her bedside table. She pulled her husband close before pressing several kisses against his lips.

"Love, something was more interesting than me... and I'm really hot and interesting." Elliot grinned. Olivia sighed softly as she gently played with her husband's hair.

"Um, so... if Julia comes early..."

"What?" Elliot asked.

"Okay, if Julia comes early, then I can get into a new trial that is starting soon." Olivia said softly as she avoided her husband's eyes.


"The trial starts in six weeks, and I have to have at least three weeks of recovery under my belt before I can get in... and my specialist wants me in on the first round. But that means that Julia will have to come at least a week early." Olivia sighed. 

She felt bad about wanting her daughter to be born early, because she knew that Julia was better off coming as close to her due date as possible. But she also wanted to get into this trial and hopefully be able to walk again. She wanted to run after her babies and start chasing after bad guys again.

"Does your OBGYN have anything to say about this?" Elliot asked.

"I haven't talked to her about it. And like, babies can be born four weeks early with no problem... but I just feel bad." Olivia frowned.

"About wanting our daughter to be healthy and to walk again? That isn't anything to feel bad about. Baby, maybe we need to talk to your doctor and see if she has any ideas."

"Or we could just try to get Julia to come by ourselves... like if you are in the mood or-"

"I won't say no to making love to you, Liv. But after tonight, we need to talk to your doctor and figure things out."

"I'll get an appointment for tomorrow morning."


Olivia got an appointment with her doctor the next morning, and she was beyond scared about talking to her about why she wanted Julia to come early. Why she seemed to be acting more selfish than she has ever been before.

"Alright, Olivia. I didn't expect to see you until next week! Is everything okay with you and Julia?" Dr. Smith asked, as she walked into the exam room that Olivia was waiting in.

"Everything is okay with Julia. She's still moving like crazy but is running out of space." Olivia replied with a weak laugh.

"Okay, are you getting more uncomfortable due to your condition?" Dr. Smith mused, and Olivia swallowed hard before handing her doctor the folder on the trial that she so desperately wanted to get into.

"So, Dr. Franklin, the specialist for my spine... he found a new trial that is due to start in over a month. And for me to be able to be a part of it, I have to have at least three weeks of recovery time. They don't want me to be in extra pain from having Julia, plus everything they are going to be doing to me." Olivia breathed.

"So why are you giving this to me?" Dr. Smith asked, and Olivia swallowed hard as she held her stomach.

"I want Julia to come sooner... if possible."

"Olivia, I'm not going to induce you, if that is what you are asking." Dr. Smith huffed.


"This is incredibly dumb and-" Dr. Smith began, but Olivia stopped her.

"I haven't been able to run after my toddler in over a year. I haven't been able to stand in my kitchen and feel as my husband stood behind me and held me as I cooked... I haven't been able to go for a walk, or a run in forever. Dr. Smith, I don't want to be induced... but I just wanted to see if you could at least approve of Elliot and I trying more natural ways to get things going. Because this is my last shot at being able to walk again, and you don't know how it feels to be sitting here and asking you about this..." Olivia spoke passionately, as she felt Julia shift underneath her hands.

She wouldn't have asked if she didn't already know that Julia would be fine if she was born a little sooner than her due date.

"Liv, I'm sorry... for going straight to attacking you. I-i... I have some reading for you and Elliot about natural ways to jump start labor. And if you go into labor, still go to the hospital and I'll be there to deliver Julia."

"Are you sure?" Olivia whispered, and Dr. Smith nodded.

"I'm sure."

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