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Cragen didn't have to fight nearly as hard as he thought he would. The DA told him that he never planned on having anyone investigate Elliot and only said he'd think about it to get Casey to relax for a bit. They removed Casey as SVU's ADA, but that didn't stop her from showing up many times.

"You aren't working with us anymore, Novak. Please... please leave." Cragen sighed as he stood outside of his office and stared at the completely broken red head.

"Let me talk to Elliot." Casey demanded, before she quickly wiped tears from her cheeks.

"No, Casey. He doesn't need to be attacked by you again!"

"Let me talk to him!" Casey screamed, as Elliot walked from the locker room with Amanda behind him. 

"What are you doing here?" Elliot asked nervously.

"Are you fucking her too?!" Casey yelled.

"No, he was helping me open my locker... what's happening, Captain?" Amanda asked, but Cragen didn't respond. He just turned and walked back into his office as Elliot approached Casey.

"Why are you here?"

"We need to talk." Casey growled. Elliot sighed before nodding.

"Follow me."


Casey paced the interrogation room while Elliot sat at the table and watched her. He didn't know why she was still coming around and fucking things up. It had been two months since she tried to get him arrested, and Elliot felt like this would never end.

"Why did she love you?" Casey asked suddenly. Elliot blinked a few times as he shrugged.

"I don't know. She just loved me for some reason and I loved her... but I never did get the chance to tell her." Elliot frowned.

"You treated her like shit and she still fell in love with you. I have no idea why the fuck she loved a giant manwhore, when she could have loved someone who actually cared about her!"

"Who else loved her?" Elliot asked, and Casey just shook her head.

"You need to leave." Casey huffed.

"Leave? What do you mean?! This is my place of work! You don't even work here anymore!"

"Leave Manhattan! Leave New York! Fuck, leave the world! Don't you feel guilty for what you did?!"

"Of course I felt guilty! The love of my life was killed!"

"She was the love of my life!" Casey screamed.

Elliot stood slowly as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"You are the one who actually cared about her..." Elliot breathed.

"Elliot, why couldn't she love me as much as she loved you?!" Casey sobbed.

"Oh, Case." Elliot frowned. 

"I loved her with my whole heart, but she was never into me. She just wanted me to be her friend, and it made me want to die when I found out you two were together."

"I'm sorry that you got hurt in this too. If you told her how you felt-"

"Tell her that I had feelings for her? That most of my dreams were about her? That would never have went over well... I'm going to go..." Casey breathed, as her cheeks turned just as red as her hair.

"No, Case. I'm sorry for what I did. For how I treated her and you. Uh, do you want her apartment? I'm willing to let you take it... if it helps you heal." Elliot breathed.

"You'd do that for me?" Casey whispered.

"If it will get you to chill a bit..." Elliot chuckled weakly.

"I'm sorry." Casey breathed.

"Don't apologize. Uh, I'll get you the keys soon. They are at my apartment."

"Okay... thanks."


While Elliot found out shocking news in Manhattan, Olivia was still adjusting to the idea of bringing a little girl into the world. She had a lot to plan, especially since she had bought a few things for a boy but wouldn't need them.

"Maggie!" Olivia's boss exclaimed, as she walked into the bank for her shift. She turned around after locking the door. 


"Have you seen or heard from Emily?" He asked, and Olivia shook her head as she smoothed the bottom of her dress. Alex had convinced her to wear dresses more often, and she was going to give it a shot just to get her friend to shut the hell up.

"No, I haven't. I know that she was going to New York for the weekend. Why?"

"She hasn't shown up yet, and she's always here before you. I'm going to call her, and could you try and contact her?"

"Yeah, of course." Olivia spoke. They parted ways and Olivia put her stuff away before going and opening the front doors. She moved to her station, before hearing as the door opened. Olivia lifted her eyes from her computer before swallowing hard.

Olivia watched as Fin and John moved from the doors and to the station next to Olivia's. She quickly slipped away and into the break room as tears welled in her eyes.

She pulled her phone out and went to call Agent Harrellson, but instead she listened quietly.

"Does Emily Swanson work here?" Fin asked.

"She does. Uh, do you want to talk to our boss?" Jodi, Olivia's coworker, asked.

"Yes. And we need to talk to your other coworkers." John spoke.

"Oh, yeah. Just ask our boss. Maggie was here just a moment again, but she'll be back soon." Jodi smiled.

Olivia quickly dialed the number before holding her phone to her ear.

"Agent Harrellson."

"Uh, it's Olivia." Olivia whispered.

"What's wrong?"

"Fin and John from my old unit are here and asking questions. It sounds like they need to talk to me about something having to do with my coworker. Please... I need you to help me somehow." Olivia breathed. She didn't want to call him and ask to be taken out of the bank for the day, but she had too. She had to resist the urge to run towards them and hug them tightly as she told them about everything.

Even her baby.

"Okay. Stay where you are. I can be there in five minutes."

"What if they ask to talk to me?" Olivia whimpered.

"Go into the bathroom. You are pregnant. Use that as an excuse."

Olivia hung up a moment later before grabbing her purse and moving from the breakroom. She was just about to escape into the bathroom when her name was spoke.


"Uh, I can't talk right now..." Olivia struggled to speak before quickly moving into the bathroom without even looking back at Fin.

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