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When Fin and John arrived back at the precinct that night, they couldn't help but wonder who that strange Maggie was. Why she was being protected by the FBI. And they couldn't help but wonder who she was before.

"Alright, we are off this case." Cragen sighed as he left his office with his briefcase in hand.

"What?" Fin sighed.

"I just got a call from the FBI field office in New Jersey. They are taking over and we are not to intervene. So pack up and head home." Cragen spoke before moving towards the doors. Elliot and Amanda stood and gathered their items as John spoke.

"That Margaret Montgomery... I feel like I knew her from somewhere else. I know that neither of us got a good look at her face, but the way she talked..." John sighed as he sank down at his desk.

"What?" Elliot asked.

"The reason we are off the case is that one of the women we were supposed to interview is being watched and protected by the FBI. She seemed familiar, but Fin and I didn't even get a chance to see who she may really be." John replied.

Elliot nodded slowly as he thought about the name Margaret. And how he always loved the way it went with Olivia.

"Olivia's middle name was Margaret... maybe it just brought back memories of her."


Many weeks went by with no problems. Olivia was transfered to a different bank, but at least no one was suspicious of her there. She and Alex worked hard to get the nursery started and as close to completion as possible since Amelia would be there before they knew it. Thankfully Olivia wasn't doing this all alone, and had Alex as her partner through this all.

Back in Manhattan, Elliot was struggling with his anger again due to an unwelcomed call that led to a meeting.

"Gun please." The guard spoke, as Elliot was getting patted down. Elliot pulled his gun out and popped out the clip before sitting them both in the container. 

"Is someone going to be in the room?" Elliot asked, once he was cleared to move forward and to the meeting area.

"Yes. Why?" The guard sighed.

"Because this bastard killed my partner. I'm not really happy with him." Elliot frowned. 

They moved slowly through several locked doors, before Elliot was sent into a meeting room. Sitting at the desk was Josef, and Elliot had to shove his hands into the pockets of his jeans so he wouldn't go after him.

"Detective." Josef Underwood smiled, as he leaned back in his chair.

"Let's just get this over with, jackass." Elliot sighed, as he sank down across the table from Josef and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I need you to get me out of here."

"Why would I do that?" Elliot grumbled.

"Because I know who else wanted to kill that pretty little detective." Josef grinned, before leaning forward so he was closer to Elliot.

"You shot her, Josef. You murdered one of the best officers that the NYPD has ever seen. Do you really think that they will let you out for just telling us another name?"

"Because I'm not the worst of us all, Detective. The other guy... he wanted to take her. He wanted to feel her body. Those curves... god he wanted to be inside of her. I just wanted her dead."

Elliot felt sick to his stomach as he heard about the other man's plan. He wanted to jump across the table and wrap his hands around Josef's neck until he was so close to death that he'd squeal on the other guy.

But he knew that Olivia would be so very disapointed in him if he did that. He had to stay alive and keep fighting the fight that she was before she was killed.

"I can't offer you freedom, but I can offer you protection. Give me the name, and I'll make sure that no one makes you their bitch in here... unless you like that type of stuff. Then I'll get you one fine man." Elliot spoke, as he leaned closer to the man that pulled the trigger that stole his soulmate from him.

"Huh, I don't know... maybe I'll just wait it out. A few more months won't bring her back, or make you any less sad."


Elliot screamed once he got outside. He knocked over a garbage can before running to his sedan as he started to cry. All he could think about was that other man. The one that might have kidnapped Olivia if he had been given the chance. If she hadn't been killed by Josef. 

"Stabler! Hey, calm down!" Fin called, as he quickly ran from his own sedan and to where Elliot was. Elliot panted hard as he turned and looked at Fin as he ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm going to die." Elliot whimpered.

"What?" Fin asked, as he grabbed Elliot by his shoulders.

"I can't deal with this anymore... I want to die... I want to be with Olivia." Elliot sniffled. Fin shook his head as he pulled the broken detective into an awkward hug.

"You need to keep fighting, Elliot. Olivia would want you to keep moving on. To keep fighting for the victims that no longer have her on their sides. Stabler, think about moving forward and living in a way that honors Olivia, okay?"

"I just miss her so much... she's my other half... and when I talked to Josef, he said that there is another guy out there. One who planned on taking Olivia and hurting her." Elliot hiccuped.

"What?" Fin asked.

"Josef said that there was another guy. One who wanted to kidnap her... rape her... then kill her. Josef said that he'd only tell me if I got him out. But I don't want him free! He deserves to die in jail for what he did to Liv!" Elliot sobbed.

Fin nodded slowly before looking back at the prison.

"We will figure out who else wanted to hurt Olivia. They deserve to be arrested too. But until we can figure it out, let's go back to the station house."

"Fin, what if that other guy... what if we already know who he is?" Elliot sniffled, as Fin took the keys from Elliot.

"Then we will figure out who he is and we can take turns kicking the shit out of him."

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang