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Olivia waited out in the hallway for Fin to leave. She wanted to see him again, and hopefully she'd be able to find out if he was coming back to SVU. She waited about an hour and ignored all messages from her husband as he asked her if he would come home soon. 

As Olivia was just about to give up, Fin walked out of the doors and towards the elevator.

"Fin!" Olivia exclaimed, as she quickly wheeled herself to his side. He took a shaky breath before looking down at her.

"Hey, Liv... I thought you were going home?" Fin asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"I was, but I couldn't leave without talking to you. How have you been?" Olivia asked quickly.

"Um, I have been okay. I really gotta get-" Fin started, but Olivia stopped him from getting into the elevator by grabbing the sleeve of his leather jacket.

"Fin, are you coming back?" Olivia finally asked.

"I was thinking about it. But Munch told me that if I came back, you would lose your partner." Fin frowned.

"Nick has to stay here with me all the time, so getting a new partner would really help him out. He could get out and be a real detective instead of a seat warmer like me." Olivia sighed.

"I don't want to take yet another thing from you, Olivia. So I'm just going to-"

"Fin, you didn't take a damn thing from me. I may not be able to walk, but it hasn't stopped me from living my life... I guess the most you have ever done to me was just leave. You are one of my best friends and I hated that I haven't been able to talk to you in over a year." Olivia whispered as tears welled in her eyes.

"Liv, I didn't mean to keep hurting you over and over again. Or make you cry."

"Fin, you didn't make me cry. I'm just emotional... but please, just come back. Nick is a good kid, and he could really use your guidance." Olivia sniffled before wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"I'll think about it, Liv..." Fin trailed off before stepping out of the way to let Olivia into the elevator.


Olivia got home long after Elliot went to bed, so she didn't get to tell him about seeing Fin. She had forgotten about it by the next morning, but Elliot could see with his own eyes that Fin was back.

"Fin?" Elliot asked with wide eyes as he and his wife entered the squadroom.

"Hey, Stabler. Liv." Fin replied nervously. He stood up from an empty desk and moved towards them. He shook Elliot's hand before still avoiding looking directly at Olivia. Seeing her in her chair made him feel like absolute shit. Even if he had quit SVU, he still thought about Olivia's fall on the daily.

"I thought you were just thinking about coming back?" Olivia questioned.

"I was, but what you said last night made me want to come back. So here I am... John is putting me and Amaro together." Fin sighed. Elliot looked between his wife and friend before just shaking his head and going to his desk.

Olivia found a box near the trash before going to her desk and starting to fill it with everything in her desk.

"What are you doing?" Elliot whispered, as he came up beside her.

"Fin and Nick are partners now, so they should be sitting together. I'll take that empty desk." Olivia whispered back.


"I told him to come back, so I can't be upset about getting the boot from being Nick's partner. And maybe this is a sign, and I can actually just spend time with our babies." Olivia smiled weakly.


"He's back, baby. He's back and I couldn't be happier. Fin is meant to be here with us."


Olivia watched from the sidelines as Nick actually got to be a detective. She watched as he and Nick worked incredibly well together and how Nick actually smiled and really enjoyed running leads and investigating.

She was rarely asked to do anything with the cases anymore, so she pretty much just sat at her desk and played games on her computer or filing things. She hated that she wasn't involved, but she had to accept her fate.

"Are you ready to head home?" Elliot asked, as walked over to his wife and smiled at her. 

"Elliot, I literally have nothing to do. So yeah, I'm ready to go home." Olivia grumbled.

"Whoa, no need to snap." Elliot frowned.

"Oh, just go home." Olivia huffed, before reaching out and opening up solitaire again on her computer.

"What is your problem, Olivia? Because you are kinda being a bitch lately." Elliot sighed as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Don't call me a bitch, Elliot Stabler." Olivia spat, as she turned and looked up at him.

"No! I wanna know why you are being a bitch! Because your attitude has gotten really bad since Fin came back!" Elliot yelled.

Olivia shook her head as she closed her eyes tightly.

"Elliot, go home." Olivia breathed.

"No!" Elliot yelled again, before being hit hard in his stomach by his wife.

"Go home, okay? Just leave me alone." Olivia whispered.

Elliot pulled her chair out before forcing himself in between his wife and her desk.

"What is going on with you? Because the Liv that I love more than anything else... she's gone. I need to know what is happening so I can help." Elliot breathed as he gently smoothed Olivia's hair.

"A lot is happening, El... no one needs me here anymore, Amy is getting incredibly independent, I'm scared about having Julia... and I got denied." Olivia whimpered.

"Denied for what, love?" Elliot asked softly as he brushed tears from Olivia's cheeks.

"My specialist tried to get me into a trial that could have helped me get feeling back below my injury, and I might have been able to walk again. But instead I got denied because I'm pregnant and because they said waiting for me to not be pregnant would be a waste of a spot. So yeah, I guess I'm being a bitch, but it's because a ton of stuff is messing with me right now."

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