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Olivia sat in her house and stared at the wall. The room was spinning, and she was wondering if she had an infection or something from getting shot. Or if it was just the stress of being a completely different person in a completely different city.

"Okay, I got your message. What's wrong?" Agent Harrellson questioned as he walked into Olivia's house. She had to get permission to go see a doctor, because if someone recognized her, she could be killed.

"I'm really dizzy and I've gotten sick a few times... I don't know if I have an infection or something... I just wanted to know if I could go to the hospital or to a doctor's office to make sure I'm okay." Olivia whispered.

"Let me take your temperature and then-"

"Excuse me." Olivia spoke before she stood and quickly stumbled to the bathroom where she got sick again.

"Okay, I'll drive you back to the private hospital. Have them look at you. Meet me in the car when you are ready."


Olivia sat crossed legged on a bed as she stared at the IV in her hand. The doctor wanted to pump her full of fluids and something to help with her nausea and dizziness. They didn't know what was wrong with her yet, and it just made Olivia even more freaked out. She was alone and sick in a strange hospital.

"Olivia?" Dr. Alanson asked, as he moved into Olivia's room. She swallowed hard because she hadn't heard her real name in awhile. She was Maggie to everyone else.

"What's wrong with me?" Olivia asked weakly, as she leaned back and looked at the doctor.

"Were you dating anyone before the accident?"

"I was friends with benefits... why?" Olivia sighed.

"The reason you are feeling sick is because you are eight weeks pregnant. You are just having really bad morning sickness."

"How did the baby survive me getting shot?" Olivia breathed.

"Because the egg hadn't implanted by the time you were shot. Miracles happen like this all the time. Now, do you plan on-"

"I'm keeping my baby. This is the only thing that I have left of my old life. Of Elliot." Olivia spoke quietly. She swallowed hard before pulling the blankets up over her legs.

"I'm going to prescribe you medicine to ease your morning sickness. It won't make you completely better, but you should be able to go to work and not have to run off as often."

"The bank sent me home. They said that people got concerned when my face turned green." Olivia sighed weakly.

"Olivia, if you have any questions and don't feel comfortable talking to an OBGYN about them, call me."

"Okay... thank you, sir." Olivia breathed.


Olivia went back home that night, and the next morning she ended up back at work. After hearing her real name the day before, when her boss called her Maggie it really threw her off.

"Yes, sir?" Olivia asked softly, as she moved into her boss' office.

"How are you feeling? Did you end up going to see a doctor?" He asked, and she nodded slowly.

"Yes, sir. Uh, the doctor said I'll be okay in about thirty-two weeks." Olivia spoke awkwardly.

"Huh? Maggie-"

"I'm pregnant, sir. I promise not to miss too much more work. I'll schedule my appointments for after banking hours."

"Maggie, you don't have to worry about that. We love you around here, and you just do what you need to do. Take care of yourself and that baby." He smiled. Olivia nodded slowly before looking around the office for a moment.

"I guess I'll be going. Thanks for being understanding."

"Of course." He replied before Olivia turned and walked out.

Olivia barely made it back to her station before she saw Alex Cabot walk in. Olivia's eyes went wide, and she swallowed hard before moving towards the blonde.

"My name is Maggie. Is there anything I can help you with?" Olivia asked quietly as tears welled in her eyes.

"I-i... I just moved to the city and need to open an account." Alex breathed heavily as she looked at her friend for the first time in forever.

"I can help you with that. Follow me to the conference room and we can go through the paperwork."


Olivia and Alex sat down in the room and the door was closed. Olivia sat a folder in front of her and opened it before looking at Alex.

"Why are you here?" She struggled to speak.

"My agent had to move me. My cover was blown and they thought that being here would be good for both of us. I think that we can be friends again. I can help you."

"Alex, I'm pregnant." Olivia whispered, as she clicked her pen open.

"Who's the father?" Alex asked with wide eyes.

"Elliot is... but he'll never meet the baby unless something drastic happens." Olivia whimpered.

"Oh Li-"

"Maggie. My name is Maggie."

"Maggie, let's get coffee after this. Then maybe we can talk more."

"I have to work till five, but after that I'll be more than willing to get coffee. Now, how type of account would you want?"

"Whatever is the best..."


Olivia was surprised, yet thankful for Alex's arrival. She needed someone to talk to about everything she had been going through. And Alex had a lot to get off her chest too. Being alone and away from their only loved ones was heart breaking and made them both so lonely. But now they could be together again.

"I cannot believe that you are going to be a mom, Liv. It's amazing." Alex smiled, as she settled onto the sofa with her friend and they started to sip their tea.

"I'm scared to death, Alex. All I can think about it is doing this all alone. Elliot will never know about our child, because not only am I in witness protection, she or he will be too." Olivia frowned.

"Liv, this won't last forever. Trust me. Eventually you'll be back with Elliot and hopefully you two will be able to be together. Get married. Have more kids."

"Unless someone else realizes that I'm not Maggie and am instead Olivia. If they realize that I should be dead, and decided to kill me and make it stick this time."

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu