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Hey guys! So I think this book will end after next chapter. It's had a good run, so I might make next chapter longer to make up for the fact this is ending. Thanks and enjoy this chapter!

"This isn't the end of your run as Detective Benson. You will always be Detective Benson, even if you are taking time to be a mother. I guess I'll have to get over myself and allow you back after baby number three is here." John spoke.

"I really don't think that I will ever come back here. Everything has changed, especially myself. Now, I really have to get going or else I'll miss my appointment. And I don't want to wait another four weeks to find out the sex of my baby. Goodnight, sir." Olivia breathed, before she turned slowly and opened the door.

"Olivia, if you want to come back and work on desk duty but with some allowances, then you are more than welcome to."

"What allowances?" Olivia asked softly.

"You could do everything but go out on calls. You could go to check in with Warner or anyone from TARU. You could interrogate perps and I guess you could interview people. You just couldn't respond to anything dangerous."

"So I'd pretty much be babysitting my partner? Or would I not even get a partner because I'd be a worthless detective? No thanks. I really gotta go." Olivia frowned. 

She walked out of the office and shut the door behind her, before forcing a smile when she saw Amy and Julia walking down the hall and away from the bathroom.

"Mama, are you ready to go?" Amy asked, and Olivia nodded.

"Yeah, I'm ready. Let's go see if you are getting a baby brother or sister."


At the ultrasound, both girls decided to through a fit since they were getting hungry and didn't get their full naps since they had to leave early. So Elliot took them outside and tried to calm them down by a bench, while Olivia was inside and alone. She came out after about a half hour, and she quickly walked over and picked Amy up before wiping tears from her cheeks with the pad of her thumb.

"Baby, please stop crying. We are going to go get dinner now and then your belly won't be so angry." Olivia frowned as her daughter's breaths came in hiccups.

"I'm tired too." Amy sniffled, and Olivia nodded.

"I know. So why don't we go and get dinner, and then you and Jules can sleep on the way home, okay?"

"Okay, Mama." Amy sniffled, as she leaned forward and wrapped her arms around her mother's neck and hugged her tightly.

They didn't talk about the appointment until the girls had fallen asleep on the car ride home after dinner. Elliot glanced over at his wife as he drove and tried to get home before she fell asleep too.

"How is our baby looking?" Elliot asked, as he reached over and gently touched his wife's stomach.

"The baby is right on track. A little bigger than normal for sixteen weeks, but I'm not shocked." Olivia yawned.

"And could they see the sex of our baby?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded as she leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes.

"They could see clearly that our son was just as much of a show off as you are." Olivia said with a weak smile.


"The last baby we will ever have is a boy. You finally get exactly what you want." 

"Love, I have wanted a son my whole life... but I have also wanted daughters. And now, with this little guy coming into our lives, I feel like our lives are finally complete. Jules and Amy can be big sisters to an annoying little brother."

"And I will never leave their sides." Olivia breathed.

"What?" Elliot asked, and Olivia opened her eyes slowly before sighing softly.

"John and I talked, but I'm deciding to not go back. Not now or later. I guess that maybe we'd be better off if I just stayed home and raised the kids. Then when they are out of the house, I can look into something new to do. I could write a book, or get into painting or something. But I'm not going to go back to being Detective Benson of Manhattan Sex Crimes."


The next day, Elliot took the girls and Harris to the children's museum while Olivia, Casey, and Alex got some time to hang out. They all sat together and ate lunch and drank tea, while barely anything was said. Alex and Casey could tell that Olivia had grown more quiet since she was released from the hospital and since John decided he couldn't let her come back to SVU.

"How'd your appointment go yesterday?" Casey questioned as she locked eyes with her friend.

"It went well." Olivia replied plainly.

"Are you sure? You-"

"I'm just tired, girls. I swear that I'm fine. The baby is fine. I'm just really tired."

"Are the girls being brats lately? Because Harris has been testing us. He just loves to run around the house in the middle night to drive us nuts." Alex frowned.

"The girls are being great. It's just that things are getting really real... like I told John that I'm not coming back. But I guess that all the hard work I did to walk again was meant to help me run after my daughters and not after bad guys."

"Why? Don't you-"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Please. Let's talk about the fact that Elliot and I are having a son."

"I think we should talk... wait, a son? You guys are getting a boy?" Casey said with a smile.

"Yeah, a son. We already picked out the name Lukas Theodore for him. And eventually I will realize that this is my new normal and accepted it fully. Until then, let's not talk about work. Let's just talk about us since my husband has our kids."

"Lukas is gonna be one lucky baby." Alex smiled as she reached over and patted her friend's hand.

"I hope he will be."

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