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"Captain, I couldn't tell you that I was alive. They wouldn't even let me tell Elliot, and I was pregnant with his child... I didn't even know that this was happening. I got shot, and then the next thing I knew was that I was alive and in a private hospital. Captain-"

"I want you out of my station house right now!" Cragen growled. Olivia looked at him as tears welled in her eyes.


"I don't want anything to do with you! You should have told me!" Cragen yelled.

"I should have told you? Don, if I had told you and you had let it slip... my daughter and I could have been killed! Alex could have died too! I cannot believe that you are angry at me over something that I had no choice over! I had agents telling me what to do!" Olivia yelled back, before turning and quickly storming from his office. She slammed the door, and a picture fell from Cragen's wall.

He walked to the picture and frowned when he saw it was a picture of his squad from before Olivia passed away. He knew that it would never look like this again, because he didn't want Olivia back. He'd rather keep Amanda.


Olivia was angry and upset. She couldn't believe what Cragen said, but she knew that she just had to let it slide. She wasn't going to be working for him anymore. She was going to focus on her family, especially since they were the most important people to her.

"We should get married." Elliot smiled, as he sat on the counter in the bathroom as Olivia showered.

"What?" Olivia asked, as she peeked her head out from behind the curtain.

"Let's get married. And let's give Amy a brother or sister." Elliot smiled. Olivia sighed as she eyed her boyfriend.

"Elliot, I had Amelia four months ago. My body still isn't nearly close to what it used to be before. I really would love to be your wife, but I'm not ready for another child. I'd like to just enjoy Amy for a bit."

"Okay, but can we get married then?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shrugged as she finished up her shower. Then she got out and grabbed a towel from Elliot.

"Uh, so before I say yes to marrying you like right now... we should talk about a few things."


"Like that Casey is in love with me."

"Yeah, I know."

"You knew?" Olivia breathed.

"Yeah. She was super pissed off at me after I told her that I loved you. That I wanted to be with you, but you were dead. I gave her your old apartment. She's been living there."

"Is it a shrine to me?" Olivia breathed.

"Kinda. I've went through taking things from it every few days when she's at work. That's why you have some of your old clothes." Elliot said with a laugh.

"Pre-baby clothes that I cannot fit into... thanks though." Olivia chuckled. She leaned in close to her boyfriend before kissing him softly.

"So can we get married as soon as possible or not?"

"We can get married... soon."


Elliot went into work, and he wasn't greeted with open arms. Instead he found that Cragen was already on his warpath and wanted everyone to be hurting as much as he was.

"Dude, what's happening?" Elliot asked, as Amanda grabbed him before he could get into the view of Cragen.

"Uh, so he's attacking everyone. He's beyond pissed off about Olivia being alive and coming back."

"She couldn't tell anyone that she was alive. She couldn't even tell me until she got closer to being released. Eleven months after she was 'killed'..." Elliot sighed.

"I just don't think he understands that. He's still so heartbroken because he lost someone who he considered to be his daughter."

"Yeah, and I lost the love of my life. But you don't see me throwing fits." Elliot sighed.

"You did before. Like when you refused to let anyone clean her desk off."

"Okay, but I'm not-"

"Why didn't you tell me?!" Cragen boomed, and Elliot quickly pushed Amanda behind him before looking at his captain.


"Why. Didn't. You. Tell. Me?"

"Because it could have put my girls in danger. I refused to put off our reunion just so I could keep you in the loop. Now, you need to calm the hell down before you do something that you regret."

"I won't regret asking for your badge and gun!"

"Nice try, bud. Because I will not give up my gun and badge because I was making sure Olivia's cover wasn't blown. Making sure that my daughter didn't get killed. The FBI told me that I wasn't allowed to talk to you, or anyone about what I saw. About what Olivia said to me. So I will go straight to your bosses if you cannot chill the fuck out." Elliot yelled back, before moving past Cragen and heading into the squadroom.

Elliot sat at his desk and quickly got into the bottom drawer before grabbing the picture he had hidden of his girls. He smiled before sitting it up.

"She is a very cute kid, Stabler. Looks a lot like Liv." John spoke, as he came and stood beside Elliot.

"Amelia is an amazing little girl. I'm so thankful for her." Elliot smiled.

"Thanks for letting us come over yesterday and have time with both of them."

"You guys are welcomed over whenever. We might need help because we have to get Amelia's room set up. She can't sleep in her carrier forever."

"Fin can help you with that. I'm not good at setting things up." John chuckled before he walked away.


It was a long day, but eventually it came to an end and Elliot went home to his girls. It was honestly the best night, because he hadn't came home to his girls before.

"Here's Daddy, Amy. He looks like he could use some cuddle time with you." Olivia cooed, as she carried her daughter towards the door.

"Oh, hey Amy girl." Elliot cooed, as he took Amelia into his arms and held him close.

"How was work?" Olivia asked, and Elliot frowned.

"Cragen tried to fire me, but it didn't stick."

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now