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Two days after Amelia was born, she and her mother were released. Both were doing great physically, but Olivia was freaking out because she didn't know how to take care of a baby. A nurse had helped her change Amelia's diaper a few times and someone came in and helped her figure out how to nurse, but it was going to be incredibly different when she was home and alone.

"Dr. Turner didn't like you sitting outside of my room the whole time." Olivia spoke, as she got Amelia's carrier out of her car as Agent Harrellson stood beside her.

"Yeah, well I needed to make sure that you didn't get attacked or anything. Alex was in there too, and it's my job to protect all three of you." He replied.

"Three?" Olivia asked quietly.

"Amelia is officially a member of the witness protection program. She's in danger just like you... but not for much longer."

"Huh?" Olivia asked, as she grabbed the diaper bag before they headed up the path. Agent Harrellson didn't respond until they were inside. 

"We have been in contact with the guards at the prison where your shooter is serving his sentence for shooting you. Your former squad is trying to find a second person that wanted to hurt you. And we are tracking him down. Once we have located him, we are going to allow you to go and see Elliot. Tell him about Amelia. Then once we can arrest this second person, you will be sent home."

"What about Alex?" Olivia breathed. She was excited about being able to see Elliot and introduce him to his little girl, but she was worried about Alex being alone.

"We are working on finding her shooter too. Just don't get excited. We could still be doing this for a few months."

"I'll try not too... uh, is there anything else? Amelia needs her diaper changed and I want to lay down." Olivia spoke.

"Nope. But late night runs for anything need to be requested right now. Either call me and I'll take you, or I'll go out and get what you need myself. Okay?"



When Alex came over after work that night, she was quickly embraced by Olivia.

"Did you miss me or something?" Alex laughed, as she hugged her friend back.

"We need to talk. Like big time."

"Okay? Are you and Amelia okay?"

"We are perfectly fine. It's just that Agent Harrellson told me that I can see Elliot soon. It might take a few months, but at least I can see him and he can find out about our sweet little girl." Olivia smiled, as she leaned back and looked at Alex.

She had expected for Alex to be excited and for her face to mirror what Olivia was feeling, but instead she just looked angry and upset.


"I'm glad that you are going back... but once you two leave then I'll have nothing. Olivia, you and Amy are my family! My mother is dead so I have no one else!" Alex cried. Olivia frowned before moving to hug Alex again, but instead Alex held her hands out in front of her so Olivia couldn't hug her.


"I know that you want to go and be with Elliot, but have you ever thought about me?!"

"I have! I even asked Agent Harrellson if he knew if you could come home with me! Alex-"

"I'm sorry but I can't. I've been living a different life for longer than you, but you get to go home first! It's fucking dumb!" Alex yelled, before storming out. When the door slammed, Amelia woke up and started to cry from her small room.

"I-i'm coming, Amy..."


A full month later, Agent Harrellson came to Olivia's house after she finished dinner. She had also just walked her sitter out, which had to be completely checked out by the FBI, so she wanted some company.

"Hey. Uh, I thought we didn't have a meeting until the end of this month?" Olivia asked, as she let him into her house.

"I've got some news."

"Good or bad?" Olivia asked nervously.

"We have located the second man. He was posting about you on a dark web forum. But we've found him and we are keeping tabs on him."

"Are you going to arrest him?" Olivia asked, and Agent Harrellson nodded.

"We are. We are gathering more evidence, and once we have a strong case we are going to arrest him. But a few agents are going to watch his house tomorrow so you can go into the city and get Elliot."

"Get him?" Olivia asked weakly.

"Well, you can't keep him... but you can bring him back here. Talk to him for a few hours. Let him meet the baby. Does that sound-"

"It sounds amazing. I've missed him so much and want Amy to get to know her father. Even if she might not remember him by the time we get to go home."

"Olivia, this is almost over. And if you'd like, we can have him see you every once and awhile. But he can't tell anyone."

"I'll make sure he doesn't... so when can I see him?" Olivia asked.

"Tomorrow night you will go pick him up after he is out of work. He'll drive you out here and we will be following you. He can stay for a few hours before we will escort him back into the city."

"Okay." Olivia breathed as tears slipped down her cheeks. Agent Harrellson looked at Olivia for a moment before patting her shoulder.

"Would you like me to tell Alex?"

"No, she isn't talking to me... uh, thank you for telling me."


Olivia went to bed that night, but she couldn't fall asleep. She eventually got up and got Amelia before laying in bed with her. She held her close before starting to talk to her about Elliot.

"You get to meet your Daddy soon, Amy. He's amazing... we fought a lot before I got sent away, but don't worry. I promise to never fight with him again. I know that he will love you just as much as I love you. I miss him so much." Olivia sniffled.

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