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Once a week, Elliot or another member from the crew would go up and visit Josef. They would talk to him and threaten him, but every time they left with no additional information about the other man that had plans on kidnapping and raping Olivia.

And while they were trying to dig through everything from Olivia's past in search of the man that wanted to do horrid things to her, Olivia was scared to death as she felt the first contractions.

"Hey, I got here as fast as I could... what's wrong?" Alex asked, as she walked into Olivia's house and quickly shed her jacket by the front door.

"Uh, I was going to call Agent Harrellson... but I didn't want to tell him that I think I'm in labor... the pains are about twenty-five minutes apart... so I don't think Amelia is coming anytime soon." Olivia breathed as she stood up slowly and walked towards her friend.

"Wow... okay. Uh, did you call your doctor?" Alex asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"No, because I don't know what I'm supposed to do. If I will be having the baby here in Elizabeth or if I'll be having to go back to that private hospital... I'm so fucking scared." Olivia whispered. Alex frowned before stepping close and hugging her best friend tightly.

"You won't be alone through this all. Why don't you call Agent Harrellson and see what you are going to do. Then we can figure this all out."

"I was praying that I'd be back home by now... and that Elliot would be with me when our baby was born... so he could hold her." Olivia whispered as tears slipped down her cheeks.

"He'll be holding her before you know it. And so will you."


Agent Harrellson told Olivia that she should go to the hospital in Elizabeth and have them call her doctor. She would be booked in under her new name, and as long as they kept her cover, everything should be good. 

Olivia waited several hours before finally going into the hopsital later that night. Alex came along with her, and Agent Harrellson was going to be sitting outside of her room and making sure that no one tried anything.

"Alright, Maggie. I heard that your contractions are about eight minutes apart right now?" Dr. Turner asked, as she came into Olivia's room and smiled at her.

"Yeah..." Olivia trailed off slowly.

"Good. Your little girl should be here before you know it then." She smiled, as she looked over Olivia's chart.

"Can my friend stay?" Olivia asked weakly, as she held onto Alex's hand and had been holding her hand since she was admitted. She was scared when she woke up after being shot, but this was even scarier for her.

She was bringing a brand new life into the world, and she couldn't even tell Elliot about it.

"Of course she can. I'm Dr. Turner and you are?" Dr. Turner asked, as she reached her hand out to Alex.

"Missy... Maggie's best friend." 


Even if Dr. Turner had told Olivia that Amelia would be there within a few hours, that didn't happen. Olivia's contractions were still coming at around six to eight minutes apart but weren't doing anything. Olivia was forced out of bed and had to pace the halls in hope of helping Amelia on her way.

"I hate turning the corners and seeing him just sitting there." Olivia grumbled, as she walked slowly around the maternity floor with Alex.

"I don't either. I bet that the nurses are a tad supicious of him... if he would have let you go to that private hospital then we could have used our real names and we both wouldn't have to be so scared." Alex sighed.

"Why are you scared, Maggie?" Dr. Turner asked suddenly, as she stopped the pair.

"Uh." Olivia breathed, as she looked over at Alex.

"Maggie, is that man unwanted here?" Dr. Turner asked, as she looked behind Alex and Olivia to where Agent Harrellson was sitting and scrolling through something on his phone.

"He has to be here, Dr. Turner. Can I just go home?" Olivia frowned, as she cradled her stomach in her hands. She wanted to get this all over with and just hold her daughter, but everything was taking too long.

"I'm sorry, Maggie. You have to stay here."

"But nothing is happening. I just want to go home and wait." Olivia frowned.

"By the time you got into your car and headed home, you'd probably be just minutes away from delivering your daughter. Now, tell me why he has to be here?" Dr. Turner asked, but she didn't get an answer because she was being paged into another patient's room.

Olivia turned and looked at Alex before frowning deeply.

"She's probably right. By the time we got you into the car and into a comfortable position, you'd be ready to have Amelia and the seats in my car would be ruined." Alex smiled, and Olivia nodded slowly before smiling a tiny bit.

"We could always take Agent Harrellson's." She grinned, and Alex laughed and nodded.

"He'd be so pissed off."


Several more hours passed before Dr. Turner was asked to come into Olivia's room. And after pushing for only an hour, Amelia was finally born.

"I'm a mom." Olivia sniffled, as she ran her hand over her daughter's bare back. She hadn't allowed anyone to take Amelia away yet, and she didn't plan on letting anyone for awhile. She just wanted to hold her daughter and look her over. She wanted to make sure that Amelia knew from the moment she was born that she was loved with everything her mother had to offer. It might not be a lot, but Olivia was trying her hardest.

"You are going to be an amazing mother, Liv." Alex whispered, as she leaned close to her best friend. Just hearing Alex call her Liv instead of Maggie made her feel incredible in that moment. It just added to her happiness.

"Maggie, is she taking your last name or her father's?" Dr. Turner asked, as she walked over to the new mother and covered Amelia up with a soft blanket.

Olivia looked up from her daughter and frowned as she looked out the door and saw Agent Harrellson standing there and looking at her.

"Her father doesn't know about her, so she's getting my last name. Maybe one day it can be changed."

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