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Elliot stood with his mouth wide open. He didn't know if he heard his wife right, and he was shocked. Completely and utterly shocked that he and his wife might be having another baby.

"Here, be useful." Olivia huffed as she came into the kitchen and shoved a garbage bag into her husband's hands.

"Liv, are you really pregnant?" Elliot asked, as he let the bag drop to the floor.

"Dr. Smith confirmed it and looked at my levels." Olivia sighed.

"How far along are you? Did she do an ultrasound to see if the baby was okay? Is-"

"Elliot, my pregnancy with Julia was high risk because of my injury. But Dr. Smith isn't too worried about this pregnancy because I'm better. I can move around and exercise."

"How far along?" Elliot questioned again.

"Six weeks. Do you want me to tell you the exact sexual encounter that led to our third baby? Or-"

"Why are you being so sassy right now?" Elliot snapped, and Olivia rolled her eyes before leaning down and grabbing the bag.

"I'm tired and pissed off. You made it seem like I was lying to you about being pregnant. And once again, I'm not! So why don't you go and clean up the living room with everyone else, while I do the job I asked you to do!" Olivia spat, before turning and stomping from the kitchen.

Once the door slammed, Casey and Alex came to the kitchen door and looked at Elliot.

"What did you do to her?" Alex frowned.

"Congrats. You two are going to be aunts again." Elliot grumbled, before shoving past them and grabbing his car keys from the bowl by the front door.

"Where are you going?" Casey demanded, but Elliot didn't give her an answer. He just flipped her off before slamming the front door open and then shut again.


The next morning, Elliot finally got back home. He went upstairs to get some clothes to shower, but the bathroom was occupied by his wife. He leaned his ear against the door before frowning when he heard her getting sick.

She had a bit of morning sickness with Amy, pretty much nothing with Julia, but now she sounded violently ill and it really freaked Elliot out.

"Liv? Baby, I'm gonna come in. Okay?" Elliot asked, before opening the door. He quickly dropped his clothes onto the lid of the closed hamper, then squatted down behind his wife. 

"I'm disgusting... get out." Olivia mumbled before getting sick again.

"You aren't disgusting, Liv." Elliot frowned.

"I don't think I will ever be able to go back to work." Olivia sniffled.

"What? Olivia, you are going back to work in a little over a year. After our last baby is born and at the point where we can trust her, Amy, and Julia to not drive Lucy nuts." Elliot chuckled softly, but he was unsure. There just always seemed to be a reason why Olivia wasn't allowed back to work. And now, when she was able to go back to active duty, she gets pregnant again when she and Elliot weren't even trying.

"I'm not the woman I used to be... I don't even know if I'm strong enough to be a cop anymore. Maybe I'm too soft. Maybe being pregnant three times, almost dying twice, and being in Mommy mode for a few years has changed me too much." Olivia cried. 

Elliot watched as his wife broke down, but didn't really know what to do. So he hesitantly turned her around and held her to his chest. Olivia sobbed into his chest, but eventually stopped when she heard Julia crying from her room.

"I gotta go get her up... she probably needs her diaper changed." Olivia whispered, before slowly pushing herself up as she wiped tears from her cheeks.


"Nick texted me awhile ago and said that you guys have a case. You should probably shower and head in... I've got the girls as usual."


Elliot was seriously worried about his wife. Yet, he didn't know what to do to help her. He tried to come home and help out with the girls as much as possible, but Olivia was still sad and withdrawn.

"Elliot." Olivia sighed, as she came into the squadroom with Julia on her hip and Amy walking beside her.

"Hey, loves." Elliot smiled as he pushed his chair back before walking towards his girls. He swung Amy into his arms before snuggling her close.

"Daddy, Mama has been calling you." Amy spoke as she leaned back and looked at her father.

"Oh, I guess that I didn't hear my cell ringing." Elliot lied. He had heard his phone ringing, but ignored it so that his wife and daughters would have to come up.

"Yeah, well, now we gotta get going. My appointment is in twenty minutes." Olivia grumbled.

"Why don't you go and see Munch real quick and I'll take the girls for one last potty trip before we leave." Elliot smiled, before sitting Amy down and grabbing Julia from his wife.

"Why? El-"

"Just go and see him!" Elliot smiled.

Olivia rolled her eyes before walking hesitantly to Munch's office. She knocked on the door and opened it hesitantly after he told her too.

"Benson." Munch smiled when he saw his former detective.

"Hey, John. Elliot told me to come and see you. I don't know why, but whatever it is has to be fast. We have an appointment tonight and the doctor said we might be able to find out the sex of the baby." Olivia sighed.

"Well, Elliot and I have been talking about you coming back."

"Why? Because I'll be on desk duty again and I don't want that."

"He feels bad that he can still work and you are stuck being a stay-at-home mom."

"I really don't mind staying home with my babies. And don't make it seem like I hate what I do. Or that I hate my kids." Olivia huffed.

"I'm not trying to make it sound like that. I'm more-"

"Let's just get this over with."


"No, John. I'm no longer going to be a detective here. You don't want me back because you are scared that I'll randomly become paralyzed again, or that I'll get killed in the line of duty. I'm too much of a liability, so let's just call this the end of my run as Detective Benson."

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