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Having Alex back was really nice. She and Casey were really enjoying living together, and came over to spend time with Olivia, Elliot, and Amy all the time. Olivia could sense that something else was happening between them, but didn't want to bring it up and hurt anyone's feelings.

But about six months after Alex came back, she invited Olivia over to the apartment for dinner and wine. But also to tell her something.

"Hey, girls." Olivia smiled as she came into the apartment with Thai food and a bottle of wine.

"Liv!" Casey exclaimed, before hurrying to her friend and hugged her tightly. 

"So, Elliot is on Daddy Duty tonight. So I can hang out here a little later."

"Awesome, well, Amanda is going to join." Casey spoke, and Olivia nodded.

"Sounds good to me." Olivia smiled. 

Once Amanda got there, they all ended up complaining about work and then Olivia talked about how Amelia was on this really weird sleep schedule and ended up wanting to get up at three in the morning. Every morning.

"So, what's happening with you guys?" Olivia finally asked, after she refilled her glass and sank down beside Amanda.

"Oh, uh..." Casey trailed off as she blushed a bit.

"Case... we are always here for you. Same with you, Alex. So, tell us what is happening." Olivia breathed as she looked at her friends. Then a smile grew on her lips as she watched Alex gently start to rub Casey's leg.

"Are you two a thing?" Amanda blurted out suddenly, and Casey nodded.

"Alex was certain that she was straight. But as we lived together more and she grew more confident again, she kissed me out of the blue and we haven't stopped since. We really love each other... and Liv, I swear to god that she's not my rebound. I really think that Alex is the one for me." Casey rambled, before her face went beet red.

"The one?" Alex smiled, as she looked at her girlfriend.

"Yeah... the one."


By the time Olivia got home, Amelia was in bed and Elliot had fallen asleep on the sofa. Olivia smiled as she watched her husband snore.

"Baby." Olivia spoke, as she walked over and knelt beside the couch. She caressed her husband's cheek before he finally opened his eyes. A sleepy smile grew on his lips as he spotted his wife.

"Hey, love." Elliot grinned.

"So, Alex and Casey are dating."

"What?" Elliot yawned.

"Alex and Casey are dating. They are in love... and Casey even said that Alex was the one for her." Olivia replied, before leaning close and kissing her husband's lips.

"Wait, so Casey isn't in love with you anymore?" Elliot asked.

"Nope. She's in love with Alex." Olivia replied.

"You know what that means." Elliot spoke, as he stood up and pulled his wife to her feet.

"What does that mean? That they are happy? That Casey's heart won't be forever broken because I'm with you?"

"That means that we can finally move on without you feeling guilty."

"Oh... you realized that, huh?" Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"I did. And between you being stressed as usual and feeling guilty about Casey, that's probably why all those tests are coming back negative."

"Oh, so them being together means that we can have sex with a purpose and hopefully the outcome is a brand new adorable baby?" Olivia smiled, and Elliot nodded.

"C'mon baby. Our room. Before Amy wakes up."

"We better hurry then. It's almost midnight."


"So, that was kinda shocking, huh?" Amanda spoke, as she joined Olivia by the coffee pots. Olivia looked over at Amanda and eyed her in confusion.

"What was shocking?"

"That Alex and Casey are a couple." Amanda spoke, and Olivia shrugged.

"I guess it was a little shocking. But they have been friends for years. They have loved each other for years. So I guess that eventually it would happen and that love would change into a romantic love." Olivia sighed tiredly.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I got like two hours of sleep last night. Amy refuses to sleep all night. I'm just getting to my breaking point." Olivia sighed.

"Well, hopefully she'll learn to sleep through the night soon. Especially since her Mommy and Daddy both use guns during the day."

"Yeah, I don't want to get messy."

Olivia and Elliot were walking around like zombies the whole day. They were desperate for a nap, but couldn't get one especially since they caught a case. Amanda and Elliot went out to the scene, and once they got all the information they could, Olivia and Fin went to run leads.

"I hate murders." Olivia grumbled, as she rested her head against the window as Fin drove. Usually Olivia would, but today she could barely keep her eyes open and didn't want to cause an accident.

"I hate all crimes." Fin replied.

"Fin, were you around Ken when he was a baby?" Olivia yawned.

"I was around for parts of when he was a baby. Why?" Fin asked.

"Because Amy is up at three every morning no matter when we put her to bed, and it's driving us nuts. Elliot and I barely get any sleep." Olivia yawned.

"I was still a cop when Ken was a baby. I worked long hours and was never home when he was sleeping nor rarely when he was awake. But I'm sure you'll figure something out." Fin spoke, as he parked in front of an apartment building. 

It was on one of the many bad sides of town, and Olivia felt her stomach knot up. She got out and placed her hand to her gun as they moved quickly towards the building. As Fin looked through the list of residents, Olivia stood on the sidewalk and looked up at the building. She was just about to turn and head into the building with a large crash happened behind her and she quickly ducked as Fin swore.

"What the hell?!" Olivia exclaimed, as she turned around as tears flowed freely down her cheeks as she saw a body laying on top of their sedan.

"SVU portable! We need a bus! Now!"

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