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Olivia was being very cocky and ended up showing off her walking skills for a good twenty minutes. Elliot was always point B, and he always rewarded his wife with several kisses before moving again. But after a while, Olivia grew tired and needed help back to her chair.

"I'm so very proud of you, love." Elliot smiled as he squatted down in front of his wife. He placed his hands against her legs, and Olivia smiled back.

"I can feel your hands against my legs. I haven't felt that in forever."

"Just wait until we can make love... I'm sure that will be just as amazing." Elliot laughed as he watched his wife's cheeks grow red.

"I get to come home soon. Dr. Franklin says that it could be in a week. Since the medicine is working, I just have to keep working on my walking before being sent home."

"The night you get home, we will throw a party and-"

"No, El. I want to spend a night with just you, Jules, and Amy. That is all I want right now."


Elliot went to work after watching his wife take her first steps since her fall. He was so beyond happy, and he couldn't keep a smile off his face.

"You are late, Stabler." Amanda sighed, as she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms behind her head.

"I got permission to be late from our boss, Rollins." Elliot grinned, as he gave her a small shove as he moved to his desk.

"So what was your reason? Cause I think you owe us at least that, since we had to pick up the slack since you were late." Nick spoke as he carried two mugs of coffee for himself and Fin.

"Well, let me show you a video." Elliot sighed as he jumped up before telling Amanda to help him hook his phone up to the TV screen.

Once it was hooked up, and everyone stood around it, Elliot hit play.

"Is she standing?" Nick breathed as they watched Olivia stand and then start to walk by herself.

"This is freaking awesome!" Amanda exclaimed, as she turned and smiled at Elliot.

"She is still weak, but she can walk and that is a huge thing." Elliot spoke proudly. He was just as proud of his wife walking, as he was when Amy took her first steps.

"Fin?" Nick asked, as he turned and looked at his partner.

"I never thought she'd walk again... I honestly thought that she would never walk again... I'll be back."


Fin went to the hospital after seeing the video, and he stood outside of Olivia's room. She was busy doing stretches on her legs, that she didn't notice that she was being watched. Eventually, Fin got up the nerve to go in.

"Liv?" He asked softly, and Olivia turned her head quickly before smiling at Fin.

"Hey, Fin! I haven't seen you in months!" Olivia smiled.

"Y-yeah, we have been really busy. So, I saw the video."

"What video?" Olivia asked.

"Elliot took a video of you walking, and he showed it to us today... it's a miracle, huh?"

"Yeah, it is. But I went through so much stuff, that I guess it was meant to happen. Soon I'll be going home, and I can then start running after my daughters and getting back to work."

"Work? Like, do you want Nick back?" Fin asked nervously.

"I don't know yet, Fin. So don't worry about losing your partner. Now, is there another reason why you are here? Cause I can get up and walk again if you'd like that." Olivia chuckled.

"Nah... it's just that I still can't believe that you are walking. Let alone that you are alive."


"I still feel so guilty, about everything. So have all of your bills sent to me. I'll pay them." Fin spoke before turning to walk out. Olivia pushed herself off of her bed before stumbling towards him. She grabbed onto his arm before turning him around slowly.

"I'm not allowing you to pay for my hospital bills, because you will be in a crap ton of debt. And anyway, I don't hate you. I never have. So if I have forgiven you, maybe you should forgive yourself too."


A week after Olivia started to walk, she was finally released. She could go home and spend time with her husband and daughters, as she worked on strengthening up her legs and getting back to where she had been before.

"So, are you excited to have me home?" Olivia asked, as she sat in the front seat of her husband's vehicle as he drove them home. Well, what would be their home until they could find something different and something that would be easy for everyone to use.

"So excited, baby. And the girls have been bouncing off the walls this today. Jules is squealing and Amy is just making her even more excited. I'm sure that Alex and Casey are having a hard time keeping them under control." Elliot chuckled.

"It'll be nice to see my babies every day instead of every once in a while. Now, speed up a bit. I need to get to my babies."

Eventually, Elliot pulled into the driveway before getting out and helping his wife out. He held her until she was stable enough to move forward by herself. Then they headed up the path together. The door opened before they even got to the stairs, and Amy ran out. 

"Mama! Mama!" She exclaimed.

"Amy girl! How are you, love?" Olivia smiled as she ruffled her daughter's hair as soon as she wrapped her arms around her legs.

"I'm good, Mama! Jules and I missed you... but you can walk! No more chair!" Amy exclaimed, and Olivia smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, no more chair. Sorry that I can't give you rides anymore." Olivia chuckled, before lifting her daughter up and snuggling her close.

"Liv, do you think you can carry her?"

"I carried weighted bags just to train for carrying around my babies."

"Mama, can we go inside and see Jules? I bet she wants to be hugged too." Amy smiled.

"Yeah, darling. Let's go inside." Olivia smiled.

She took her first steps up the stairs, before letting out a small sigh. She couldn't believe that this was even happening. But she was thankful that it was.

Eleven Months [A Bensler Fan Fic]Where stories live. Discover now