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When Elliot laid eyes on his daughter, he couldn't stop himself from crying. He couldn't believe how sweet she was, and the fact she was the spitting image of her sister. 

"How did it go?" Elliot asked softly, as he turned and looked at his wife. Olivia looked up from Julia's face before looking into Elliot's eyes.

"It was fast. Dr. Smith told me that because I don't have control over the muscles and such, that my body wasn't resisting at much. So I guess it was decently easy." Olivia replied awkwardly.

"I will be there for the next one, Liv. Maybe we will get a son." Elliot smiled, but that faded when Olivia shook her head.

"I don't know if we should have more kids... at least not soon. Now, I want to take a shower and go to bed. Can you keep an eye on Julia and Amy when she gets home?" Olivia breathed.

"Y-yeah, of course. Do you need help at all? You must be-"

"Just spend time with our girls. I just need some time to relax. Wake me up when Julia needs to be fed."


Elliot and Olivia quietly worked through the problems that led to Elliot missing out on Julia being born. They knew that they had to be on the same side, especially since not long after Julia was born Olivia was taken to the hospital to start the medicine, physical therapy, and surgeries in hopes of her getting the ability to walk again.

"So can my husband bring our girls up?" Olivia questioned, since she was going to be living in this hospital for at least a month while the trial was happening.

"He can, but you might not be up to seeing them. Everything happening will be very tolling on you." Dr. Franklin spoke, as he looked down at his patient.

"What kind of side effects?" Olivia questioned. She was incredibly nervous about what these pills and all of the surgery would do to her body. 

"Olivia, these should be able to help you get-"

"Death?" Olivia snapped, and Dr. Franklin sighed before nodding.

"There is a chance, but it's incredibly slim. But I'm talking more about kidney failure, heart attack, stroke, hair loss, nausea, vomiting, blindness-"

"Blindness?!" Olivia exclaimed, because even if everything else sucked and was scary, thinking about being wheelchair bond and blind really sucked to Olivia.

"Olivia, not a lot of people get these side effects. And we will deal with them as things move forward." Dr. Franklin replied, before leaving the room.

Olivia started to feel anxious and her heart pounded in her chest. She went to reach for her phone so that she could call Elliot, but he walked in and she didn't even have to bother.

"Hey, you okay?" Elliot questioned, as he quickly walked to Olivia's bedside.

"There are a lot of side effects." She panted, as she quickly grabbed her necklace and played with it.

"Liv, do you want to back out?"

"I don't want to die... I don't want to have a stroke or heart attack... I don't want to go blind." Olivia whimpered. Elliot frowned before sinking down beside her and tugging her close. He placed a few soft kisses to her temple before whispering in her ear.

"I have a good feeling about this all, my love. Like in a few months, you will be walking into our house instead of rolling yourself in. Okay? And if you can walk again, then we can get a new house, have more babies, and grow old together in that new house where the sink isn't at waist level for me." Elliot smiled. He leaned back before kissing his wife several times.

"And if I die, I want you to just move on and forget about me. Okay?" Olivia breathed.

"I will marry someone on the day of your funeral. I promise." Elliot grinned, before hearing a soft laugh leave his wife's chest.

"Good, now I want to see our babies before this all starts."


Olivia didn't end up with the horrible side effects, but she did end up with a few. She lost all of her hair, felt sick most of the time, and ended up losing about twenty pounds from everything happening. But she kept pushing through. She went through many surgeries, tests, and took more pills than she ever thought she would.

Yet it was all worth it, because after six months of being in the hospital and only seeing her kids when Elliot could bring them up, there was a big breakthrough.

"Hey, I'm surprised they are letting me come down here to watch you do your therapy." Elliot spoke, since he always had to stay away. No one wanted Olivia to be distracted, and Elliot was very distracting to her.

"Today is special." Olivia smiled.

"You are in a great mood, love. It's nice, especially since you have been kinda angry since you lost your hair."

"Come a little closer." Olivia spoke, before reaching her hand out to her husband. Elliot moved closer to her, before grabbing her hand. Elliot was shocked as his wife started to stand up slowly. He quickly placed his hands to her waist, and tears burned his eyes as his wife stood up. 


"We have been working on this for six months, El. I have had twelve spinal surgeries, I have taken well over five hundred different pills, and I had to shave my head. I'm still not incredibly strong, but I can stand and I can take a few steps."

Elliot smiled in amazement at his wife. He hesitantly took his hands away from her waist and watched as she stood by herself.

"Do I look better standing or sitting?" Olivia chuckled.

"Babe, this is beyond amazing. I love you so very much, and I really want you to show me how far you can walk. Okay?"

"I can't walk too far, but I plan on running after our kids, eventually. So take a few more steps back and be prepared to catch me."

They cried together once Olivia made it to her husband. Elliot held her close and they sobbed because this is what they had prayed for for over a year. 

Olivia could walk.

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