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Olivia arrived home about an hour after her appointment with Dr. Owens. She got into the house and heard absolutely nothing, so she knew that Amy was napping and her husband was probably sleeping on the floor beside her.

She took her jacket off and hung it up, before slowly going to find her husband and daughter.

"El?" Olivia whispered after opening her daughter's door. She smiled when she saw Elliot and Amy curled up together in Amy's bed. Olivia wheeled herself towards the bed before gently shaking her husband awake.

Elliot yawned loudly before slowly opening his eyes and spotting his wife. He smiled as he reached out and gently caressed her cheek.

"Hi, babe. I was just putting Amy down for a nap..."

"You were napping. Now, can you untangle her from your limbs and meet me in the living room?" Olivia whispered, and Elliot nodded.

"Of course. Give me like an hour so I can finish my nap." Elliot teased quietly. Olivia gently touched her daughter's small foot before heading out into the living room.

It took Elliot about twenty minutes to pull himself from his daughter's bed without waking Amy. Then he slowly walked to the living room and found his wife sitting on the sofa.

"How was your appointment?" Elliot asked, as he sat beside Olivia. He didn't even let Olivia answer before he gave her a deep kiss and ran his fingers through her hair.

"El." Olivia mumbled against his lips.

"We can try again. Either the next time it will work, or we can get pregnant naturally. I promise it will work out soon." Elliot breathed, before trying to kiss Olivia again. She stopped him before grabbing his hands and squeezing them tightly.

"Elliot, the next time we will be doing this is when we want baby number three." Olivia spoke. Elliot looked into his wife's eyes and tried to see if she was lying or not.

"Liv, you don't have to lie to me. If you aren't pregnant, we can always try again. I'm not going to give up as long as you don't either." Elliot frowned.

"Do you honestly think I'm lying? Elliot, I'm five weeks pregnant. I'm due on April tenth of next year... my levels are perfect." Olivia breathed, as she dropped her husband's hands before going to move herself back into her chair.


"Like I said, do you honestly think that I'd lie about something like this? Elliot, we have wanted a baby for a year and now I'm finally pregnant and you think that I'm lying about it... you are such an ass sometimes." Olivia huffed.

She got into her chair quicker than usual, and headed towards the bedroom. Elliot gave her a few moments to storm off and slam the door, then he followed. He opened the door and quickly caught a pillow that his wife had thrown at him.

"Liv, I'm sorry. I just didn't want you to think that you had to lie about this to make sure I wasn't disappointed..."

"Elliot, I would never lie about being pregnant! I would like to be excited about this, but right now I'm just fucking pissed off at you for being a complete asshole!" Olivia cried.

"Baby, please don't be angry at me. I'm sorry. So sorry." Elliot frowned.

"Are you excited?" Olivia whispered, as Elliot walked over to her and gently brushed a tear from her cheek.

"I'm so excited, Liv. We are getting a baby. An amazing little one that we have wanted for so long."


They really had to be careful about this pregnancy. Dr. Owens said that even if the pregnancy was going good so far, that Olivia's injury could still cause some serious problems. So instead of waiting till twelve weeks to tell everyone, they waited till twenty weeks after they had plenty of scans and tests ran on their baby.

"I honestly don't know how no one has noticed that I'm pregnant. My stomach is more noticeable since I'm sitting all the time." Olivia spoke, as she and her husband got around for their late Thanksgiving dinner with all of their friends.

"Honey, you wear black all the time. It's harder to notice when you dress in the color that rebelling teenagers do." Elliot replied. Olivia rolled her eyes as she put another bobby pin into her hair.

"Well today I'm wearing red and I think that they will notice." Olivia replied.

It wasn't long after Olivia, Elliot, and Amy were ready, that everyone started to show up.

As soon as Casey and Alex showed up, Amy was sitting on Casey's lap and helped her to hold Harris. 

"She's going to be such a good big sister." Alex whispered, as she helped Olivia set the mismatch tables that created their dinning room table.

"She is... you gotta act surprised today, okay? Because we are going to tell everyone about my pregnancy and what the baby is." Olivia breathed.

"Really? Liv!" Alex grinned.

"Why are you so loud, Alexandra?" Amanda teased, and Olivia felt her face grow red and as she stared Alex down.

"Because she found out that we are having the good cranberry sauce, not the canned stuff. Now, let's finish setting this up and I'll check on the turkey. We should be ready to eat soon."


There was a ton of food, and everyone realized that they probably went overboard. But they didn't care. They were having a lot of fun, and Amy was being crazier than usual since she had an audience.

"So Elliot and I need to tell you all something." Olivia spoke, after she cleaned up Amy's face and sent her to play.

"Is it about your injury?" Nick asked. He was still praying that Olivia would get better because he wanted to go into the field and run after bad guys with his partner.

"I still go in monthly for them to do scans and for them to talk through my treatment plan, but nothing yet. But it's still really good news."

"Well? What is it?" John asked.

"Liv and I are having another baby. We had to get help, but we just got the all clear that the baby is completely healthy and thriving." Elliot smiled, since he was sure his wife would just drag things out to make everyone sweat.

"Really?" Casey smiled, and Elliot nodded as he held his wife's hand.

"Really, and we decided on the name Julia Mae. Before you ask, we are very happy and don't care if we end up with only girls. We are just thankful to get the chance to be parents again."

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