04- building questions

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Song- Taro by Alt-J


With confusion growing within me, I look around quickly to absorb my surroundings. A few people are stood staring at me on the floor, a lady almost running over to help me, but Olly is gone.

The lady comes over quickly, offering her hand to help me up. She has stunning red hair tied in a bun and a tight knee-length pencil skirt with a pink blouse. She looks probably about twenty-five and her face radiates kindness, although it can't snap me out of my confused trance. I'm still startled from what I just experienced.

A rude, arrogant man knocking me to the ground and then having the audacity to say it's my fault. And further, walking off and leaving me in his trail without even offering me help get up. I have no recollection of what he looks like apart from his incredible height and terrorising eyes.

The lady in front of me is talking to me but I have no focus on her, my eyes are desperately scanning the room to see if I can catch a glimpse of Olly. My anxiety is rising at the thought of being left in this room by my self with no-one to comfort me.

Sometimes, if I'm put into an uncomfortable situation and don't have the comfort of my friends then I begin to panic. Panic is not something I want to do right now, it will only make my first impressions even worse. I have to get out of here and get some fresh air and then I can attempt to locate Olly.

The lady standing in front of me is grasping onto my biceps, looking at me with concern and all I can do to show any form of gratitude to her kindness is mumble a simple thank you and leave as quickly as I can. I feel bad for leaving so abruptly after she just helped me, but I'm beginning to feel like I'm going to start suffocating if I don't leave instantly.

I walk as quickly as I can, without drawing too much attention to myself, heading straight for the doors at the entrance. I step outside, letting the breeze hit my face. It's not as cool as it is in London but it's enough to relax me slightly.

I bring my knuckles to fists and begin to crack them aggressively, in the midsts of this I start to walk right and around the corner of the building. As I look up from my knuckles, I'm shocked as I see Olly and the same arrogant man conversing.

Well, it's more of a heated conversation. I hear some words that shock and confuse me, but I don't have enough time to dwell over them. I will have to try and figure out the meanings of them later when I'm more calm.

The final words I catch before Olly turns around and sees me staring confuse me even more.

"I've seen those eyes before."

Those words didn't come from Olly, they came from the other man. Those are the sorts of words that will haunt you in the form of nightmares for weeks on end, those words send shivers up my spine and make the hairs on my arms stand straight up in alert. I've never seen this man before, so how is he claiming that he's seen my eyes before?

As Olly catches my stare he returns hard eye-contact but behind him I see the man turn and leave. This time I get a longer glance him; mousy brown hair which has a wave to it with the odd curl, a sharp and defined jawline which clenches at the sight of me, height which cranes over all the pedestrians around him— my guess is that he must be about 6'3", large hands which are layered with chunky silver rings, a black shirt which is loosely tucked into black suit trousers with the top buttons undone to reveal a silver chain. I take in his appearance before he turns and vanishes, yet again.

But, the last thing I catch before he turned is his eyes. In the day-light, the grey in them is less dark but still just as cold and cruel and they cut through me with a viscous look.

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