21- Josh?

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Song- Back Of My Mind by Two Feet*

(the photos above are some visuals for further into the chapter)



"He said what?" Noémi asks as she lowers her cup of coffee to the table in front of us.

"To stop ignoring him," I sigh, looking down at my phone that's in my hand with Leonardo's message open.

"Answer him then," she prompts me with an encouraging nod.

"But what should I say?" I lean my forehead onto the table that we're sat at in Noémi's favourite café, letting out a confused groan.

"What does his text say again?"

"You care," I say looking up to her again with pleading eyes.

"Do you care?" she asks thoughtfully.

"No," I reply confidently.

"Then just tell the truth," she shrugs.


Just before I send the text, I make sure to change his name in my contacts so I know who I'm receiving the messages from.


You care


As soon as I reply, I look up to Noémi with hopeful eyes. Now having replied to his message 6 days after he sent it, I'm hoping he can stop saying that I'm ignoring him.

"What did you say?" she asks me.

"I said 'No'," I smile at her weakly.

"You said... no?" her eyes squint and I instantly regret the message that I just sent.

A loud laugh erupts from her chest and she bathes in my dismay, "Farrah, come on, you could've come up with something better than that."

"You're not making me feel any better," I frown at her and watch as she tries to bite back her laugh.

Just a minute after I sent the text, a loud ding comes from my phone and I immediately turn my attention to the lit up screen.

'Lying is a sin'

He repeats my words which I said to him about a week ago and I roll my eyes down to my phone, even though he can't see me.

"Well?" Noémi urges me to tell her what Leonardo said.

"He's just arguing with me," I grumble.

"Argue back then," she says seriously, but hidden in her face is a knowing look which I can't understand. Her eyes are glinting playfully and her lips are curved in a small smile which she is trying to pull away.

I give her a questioning look, not understanding why she's got that look on her face or why she's trying to hide the look on her face.

'Good job I'm not religious, I'm also not lying'

I quote back his words, hoping that he realises he can't win an argument with himself.

'We'll see'

He replies back instantly and I lower my eyebrows at his cryptic message. What does he mean, 'we'll see'? There's nothing to see. I don't care about him and that's final.

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