24- backseat *

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Song- Love Is a Bitch by Two Feet*

pic above is the dress that Farrah is wearing


(consider this your first and final warning for any further smut in the rest of the book)


I wasn't expecting my nerves to be this erratic, but they're definitely flourishing madly inside me. I've not been this nervous in a long time, but to put it simply, I'm shitting myself.

The anticipation of what I might experience later this evening is making me feel physically sick and I can't put my finger on why. The revelation that Leonardo actually might care about me shouldn't matter at all, so why has it been bugging me the whole journey to this bar?

I can't kick out the thoughts and queries that are running endlessly through my brain, they are literally harassing me and making my heel tap against the concrete pavement and my palms begin to sweat as I brutally crack my knuckles.

The bar is right next to me, the entrance door right to my side but I can't make my feet walk from this pavement and actually enter the place. The idea of being alone with a man who supposedly hates me and another who I have only met once, terrifies me.

Throwing my head back against the outside wall of the building and taking in a huge and refreshing breath of cold air, I let it run through my lungs before I snap my eyes open with a wave of new courage.

Walking straight into the bar, passing through a thick crowd of people and spotting Leonardo and Josh sat in a corner sofa under the glowing lights, it only makes my nerves spike even higher.

This place is crazily posh, it looks expensive but not in the same antique and elegant way that Leonardo's hotel is, it feels more like it's where filthily rich people come to drink at night.

There's white leather sofas dotted around with people sat across all of them, filling up this area and making it extremely busy. The small tables in front of the sofas are packed with an array of pricey alcoholic drinks and the glowing dark purple lighting is making the liquid gleam various different colours.

With the lack of yellow light and only the low lighting of the purple, it makes everyones faces look different to what I'm sure they would normally.

The majority of the people in here are probably in their 20's and they're all dressed in posh suits and dresses and I'm so thankful that I dressed up from what I usually do, so I look practically normal in this place.

I'm not surprised that this is where Leonardo chose for us to go, it matches his level of arrogance and wealth completely.

His posture that he's holding in his seat on the sofa asserts dominance and is actually quite intimidating as I walk timidly over to them. I'm trying to keep my nerves from filing onto the outside and being obvious, I'm trying to bottle them up inside of me instead.

The first person to notice my presence is Josh and his smile falls wide when he grins happily at me, "Farrah! You came!"

"I have some... questions that I need to get answered," I nod back with a small smile.

"What questions?" Leonardo speaks strongly in a monotone voice and I can tell that he's sober unlike this morning.

"Don't worry about it," I wave off and sit carefully to the right of Josh.

The shaping of the sofa means that Leonardo is diagonally opposite me and Josh is the boundary between us as he sits to my left.

Josh looks to me with wide and knowing eyes and tries to hide the smirk from his lips. From what I've noticed, Josh is incredibly similar to Olly so I have no idea why Leonardo and Olly don't get along.

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