55- dreaming

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Song- Dandelions by Ruth B.


Leonardo Alvarez POV:

She's been like this for half an hour now. Motionless apart from the gentle sway of her chest as she puffs light breaths out onto the skin of my neck.

I don't know what to do.

I woke up this morning thirty minutes ago, and I really need to go to work. I have a meeting to go to, Olly and Noémi are meant to be there as well. But, I can't bring myself to move.

Not because she's so incredibly warm as she drapes herself across my body, thick into a daze of sleep, but because I kind of don't want to wake her.

She's been through a lot recently. The more I come to think about it, she was fully thrown into a life that she had no idea about, she was just catapulted into danger. I wouldn't be surprised if everyday she lives in fear. And to top it all off, she originally had me adding to the equation.

But, going back to my point, I don't want to wake her because she is peacefully sleeping and deserves a rest for once.

It has absolutely no correlation to the fact that she's hugging onto me like she's scared to let go. It's not because I like the feeling of her hugging me...

Sure, I've come to actually enjoy her presence, which is a shock in itself, but I've never been a person to like physical contact. Physical affection isn't ever something I have enjoyed, and I never thought I would. But actually, the more I think about this... maybe it's a small factor of why I don't want to wake her.

Her head is dozily resting on my shoulder, face pointing in my direction while her leg slots between mine and her arm rests on my other side, in between my shoulder and neck.

I slowly tip my head to face her. She's so incredibly graceful when she sleeps. Her lips are parted with the soft breaths that flows through them, her eyes rest shut with her long eyelashes nearly touching her cheeks below.

Although, she has a small crease between her brows. I can't work out if it's a crease in the terms of thought or if she's angry.

I wonder what she's dreaming about.

A feeling of disapproval washes over me and forces my hand to lift to her face, my thumb pressing between her furrowed brows and smoothing over her soft skin to break the displeased look.

I smile once my hand leaves her face and there's no longer a crease, pulling my head back to admire her tranquility once again. It's involuntary, but my face moves down to hers, my lips gently planted on her forehead... and then her cheeks, one after the other... and then the tip of her nose... and then finally they land on her lips. It's so short in a need to not wake her up, but it's like my body couldn't deny the urge to feel my lips against her soft skin.

But, I guess that I wasn't gentle enough because where my lips were just on hers, now a small smile replaces them. Her eyes stay shut as she wakes up with a sigh.

"That tickles," she mumbles with her voice heavy with sleep.

"It does?" I ask, a natural grin taking to my lips.

"Mhm," she nods, eyes still delicately closed.

I lean into her again, pecking all over her face with quick kisses. She recoils back with a giggle, squashing her face further into my shoulder.

"Leo!" she playfully shouts, her eyelids finally opening to reveal her hazel eyes peering up to me.

I like it when she calls me Leo.

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