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"Hey Lord Hunkyhair, are we going to see blondie today?" Ro asked from across the room. Keefe smiled, painting the last parts of his picture.

He'd been over too Sophie's house a number of times since the run in with Fitz two weeks ago. He had too admit the idea of being friends with Sophie was growing on him. Over the last two weeks she'd told him story upon story of pranks he'd done, jokes he'd made and gifts he'd given her. She even went as far as to show him the paintings that albeit looked completely stunning and totally not something he thought he could do. But lol and behold his current painting that moment looked just as amazing as ever. He couldn't wait too show it too Sophie.


The word appeared in his head in an instant. It always did when he thought of Sophie, as if his own mind didn't think of her by her first name. But instead automatically referring to the nickname of Foster. It'd done this so much that he'd gotten into a habit of calling her this. It just seemed right somehow.

"Hello Hunkyhair?" Ro said, dragging out the words. "I do believe I asked you a question, though I suppose you spend all free time with blondie anyways." She glared profusely at his drawing as if too alleviate her point.

He ignored her, staring at the colors, hoping they spoke every word he could never say.

"You do realize I can see that drawing of the two of you right? Real smooth hunkyhair, drawing a picture of you two hugging." She teased and he shrugged, it was probably his best memory with her for now.

Sophie said his memories were coming back, but to be honest he felt no different. Happier yes, but he didn't feel a great epiphany of memories. One day while waiting for Foster he'd talked too Edaline, she'd told him about how it was the same for her, a growing feeling of happiness when the person was mentioned. And than in some peculiar instance it all came back, hitting you as if nothing had ever disappeared. He hoped that moment would come soon.


"Foster!" Keefe called from outside her room. Surprisingly her bodyguard Sandro looked unsurprised as he was let in and abruptly left the room as Keefe glanced towards the blonde staring at a piece of paper.

"What's up?" He asked, walking towards her, she snapped out of her trance and shoved the paper away, getting up too hug him.

"Hey Keefe," She said as she took the steps closer till they had there arms wrapped around each other. A few seconds later Sophie shyly let go.

"What was that for?" Keefe asked with a smirk. She'd never greeted him with a hug.

"Oh just hoping you'll get your memory back. Thought that might help." Sophie mumbled seeming flustered by the question, her cheeks red as he smirked and whispered, "Keep telling yourself that."

"Oh shut up!" She said, punching him.

The moment her fist hit his side a feeling of nostalgia encased him.

This had happened before... hadn't it?

He never voiced his thought but a second later Sophie continued the conversation as if the moment had never been there.

"What's that under your arm?"

He looked to what she was pointing at, his cheeks flushed as she realized what she was pointing at. Now that she was right in front of him the prospect of giving her a picture of them hugging seemed...



He couldn't describe it.

But in the back of his mind a word circulated over and over, but he wasn't ready too face it.

"It's for you." He said, pushing those thoughts away, Sophie watched him curiously as he handed her the painting which was wrapped up with silver paper and a pale blue bow.

"What is it?" Sophie asked as she started too unwrap it.

"Well that sorta defeats the purpose of you opening it Sophie. You gotta figure it out yourself. Don't worry, the paper will forgive you for tearing it too shreds." He said and Sophie frowned at him, pausing.

"Now you make me feel bad for the paper." She said and he laughed.

"Yeah I can see it now, Sophie Foster, Torturer of Paper and all things living." He said and Sophie shook her head at him, as if she was used to the nicknames.

She was... wasn't she?

"Oh. Wow. Keefe, this is..." The blondes astounded voice ceased his thoughts as she gazed at his painting, eyes not leaving the paper.

"You like it huh?" He asked, enjoying the emotions radiating off of Foster.

"Are you kidding? This is amazing! I still can't believe how good of an artist you are." Sophie said and her eyes finally left the paper and met his.

"Yeah well, I'm a man of many talents." He said and pretended to flex his muscles.

"Mmm. You sure it's man and not boy?" Sophie asked and he pretended to be wounded.

"That hurts Foster, and here I thought you lov..."
His voice trailed off, there was that word again. The one he could never get out of his mind when Sophie was around. The one in the depths of his thoughts that he refused to access, because despite the brave facade, every bit of him was scared.

"What?" Sophie asked, seeming confused as to why he had stopped speaking.

"Oh nothing," He said and offered her a small smile, there was a moment of silence when he asked,

"What was that paper you were looking at earlier?"

"Oh... um would you like too see it?" Sophie asked, seeming surprised by the question. He nodded and waited as she placed the new painting on her desk before grabbing a slightly creased paper by her bed.

"You left this for me when you... left." Sophie said, handing him the paper which he realized was a written note.

His eyes trailed over the words until they met the last few,

Love Keefe.

And that's when all his memories came flooding back.

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