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Sophie breathed out a sigh as she walked inside Foxfire halls, the room already bustling with people who all seemed to stare at her when she entered.

Calm yourself Sophie, she told herself and pulled an eyelash off. She was used to people staring at her strangely, and honestly? She couldn't blame them. Despite her being cleared and ready for school she was deathly pale. Not to mention the glaring fact that she'd woken up that morning minutes before school was going to start so she'd had no time too get ready. Which reminded her... she had to get too class!

What about Keefe? A little voice asked so sharply that she paused in her jaunt. What about him? She asked herself, pushing off the thought like it was there.

But she couldn't ignore it.

The day before she'd been so excited to come back to Foxfire, to see all her friends, to see a certain prankster. But during the night she dreamed hideous dreams where everything fell apart, and she knew exactly why.

Yesterday she'd wanted to be his friend.

But now?

She wanted to be more.

Her mind practically shut off and rebooted with that thought and she pushed it away. Tugging out three more eyelashes she sighed and rushed through the hallway weaving in between prodigy's till she finally made her way too a classroom. Taking a deep breath and building up the courage she walked in to find... Keefe?

His features weren't as confident as she was used too, she'd caught him off guard so there was no smirk on his lips. There wasn't a lightness in his eyes, instead an intensity, as if he was searching for something, something she'd gone so far to make him forget. But all of the sudden the moment ended and Keefe snapped out of whatever fog he was in.

"What're you doing here?" Keefe asked and Sophie could hardly respond, as he forced a smirk and it tended on his lips. She wasn't used too...

"Foster?" Keefe questioned, and she blinked startled when her eyes met his concerned ice blue.

"Hey Keefe..." She said and swallowed, she hadn't meant to see him this early and this definitely wasn't the right room. But to be honest she hadn't any idea where the correct one was, or who it was with? Truly, her mind was going absolutely off the charts recently.

"Don't tell me you're lost, last time..."

You must be lost.

Those were his firsts words to her. She could remember them clearly now, his curiosity, the allure in his eyes that searched her soul and decided she needed a smile. The smirk on his lips when he nicknamed her the Mysterious Miss F, she could even remember how warm his ice blue eyes had seemed.

Even if she hadn't noticed it at the time...

If only she could go back and tell him. Tell him not too worry, that she would take care of it all. That they would make it out okay, maybe if she could've changed something she wouldn't be in this position right now.

The one where she had to break his heart.

"Hello?" Keefe said, and she jumped back at his closeness, hurt radiated in his eyes, but also something deeper something she needed to figure out really fast before she made a mistake and-

"Foster. Are you okay?"

Was she?

Nope. Not for one second.

Because she knew what had to come out of her mouth right than. She knew exactly what words she had to use. What syllables she had too utter to lead him away.

After Unlocked, a sokeefe Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now