Chapter twenty two

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Tangletuft and Snowblaze jogged through the moor, the cold wind batting at their white fur. As the two neared the ThunderClan border they stopped and sniffed. ThunderClan's border was fresh.

"Well I guess we might as well mark ours since we're here." Snowblaze meowed and travelled up the border. Tangletuft just followed.

Once they had finished marking the border, the two cats turned and began padding back towards the moor.

The two began padding in the direction of the glistening lake when something interrupted them.

"Hey!" They heard a shout from behind them, they spun around to see a ThunderClan patrol. Their fur was brushed up, as if they had licked it the wrong way, and their muscles rippled through their pelts caused by the newleaf and the prey it brought.

"Hello," Snowblaze dipped his head "I'm Snowblaze and this is Ta-"

"I don't care for your names." The largest cat snapped at the head of the patrol.

"Then what do you care for?" Tangletuft asked, lifting her eyebrow bone.

"You and this kittypet of yours," The tom started, earning the mad glare from Snowblaze "Were marking your stupid border and some scent drifted its way into our territory. Don't mark it so harsh. I don't want to smell like... you." He seemed to shudder at the word you, as if WindClan smelt of crowfood or maybe even something worse.

"I can't control where the scent goes," Tangletuft paused, facing Snowblaze "And he's not a kittypet. He's a strong and brave warrior. His name is Snowblaze."

The tom seemed weirdly enraged by what Tangletuft had said. His long claws buried themselves in the soft undergrowth, his nose was scrunched up and his eyes were pressed together.

"Let's just go. We need to get back soon or the Clan will worry about us." A smaller tom said beside the bigger one, casting the WindClan cats an apologetic glance. Probably for the larger tom's behaviour.

The large tom grumbled and muttered something under his breath before replying "Fine. Let's go."

"But Horsefoot!" A smaller cat, whom Tangletuft guessed was an apprentice, complained to the large tom "I wanted my first battle today!"

"I'll give you a fight alright." Tangletuft barely heard Snowblaze mutter. She slowly pushed him, giving him a warning glare.

"Stop complaining Foggypaw," Horsefoot snapped, facing the gray apprentice "Let's go." He then turned to the WindClan cats "Teach yourselves to mark your territory properly next time." And with that, the ThunderClan patrol moved back deeper into their own territory, leaving Snowblaze and Tangletuft at the edge of their boundary.

"That was rude," Tangletuft commented, not looking away from ThunderClan territory "And had no reason."

Snowblaze nodded "What fell into their nests this morning?"

Tangletuft just shrugged her shoulders then sighed, getting caught in a trance near the territory.

The two sat there in silence, looking out into the ThunderClan territory, the two lost in their own thoughts.

"Hey," Snowblaze began to meow, putting his tail onto hers "Nothing really happened anyway."

Tangletuft jumped as he placed his tail on hers. When she jumped he immediately moved his tail away, bowing his head apologetically "Sorry." He meowed "I shouldn't have."

Tangletuft just just stayed still, zoned out a little bit.

The silence began covering them like a blanket of snow. Snowblaze was the one to break the silence again "We should head back to camp."

Tangletuft nodded "Yeah sure." She mewed, rising to her paws.



okayy sorry if this takes forever I'm currently working on a story for you guys that I think you'll enjoy! It's a surprise though so shhh don't tell anyone

but anyways I hope you enjoyed!

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