Chapter thirty one

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"Is this true Smoketail?" Graystar asked, and all the attention refocused on the cocky she-cat.

"What? I've been in WindClan for as long as I can remember. I am WindClan!" Smoketail replied, her voice scared and high-pitched.

"Graystar you can't believe everything that a loner says," The deputy, Grasspelt, murmured beside him "Smoketail has been with us since she was born."

"I'm telling the truth!" Whisper yowled before showing off her smokey pelt "We even look the same!"

"That proves nothing!" Snowblaze yowled beside his littermate, moving closer "I look like Tangletuft," He pointed towards the she-cat and she felt hot under her pelt "And I'm not related to her."

Whisper paused, her eyes brightening up as she pointed towards Snowblaze and Smoketail with her tail "I never thought my kit would already have a mate."

The whole Clan either broke out in meows of disagreement or laughter at what the loner had said.
But Breezefoot, who was sitting near the two stood up and made his way to the loner, his brown pelt fluffing up "She's not his mate. They're littermates."

"They aren't littermates," Whisper scoffed as she corrected him "One of them is mine, the other is Longwhisker's."

And just as quickly as the eyes were set on Smoketail, now they were set on Longwhisker and her mate Clawfur; who were the parents of Snowblaze and Smoketail.

"Is this true?" Graystar asked once more, now his question was directed towards Longwhisker.

"Go on," Clawfur pressed, gently rubbing her back with his tail "Tell him it's not true. I know she's our kit."

Longwhisker paused, looking at her paws. She let in a long sigh before telling the Clan her response.
"It's true."

The whole Clan let out gasps and the one who seemed the most shocked, was Smoketail. She let out a yowl and faced her now fake mother "Why did you lie to me?"

"I have a story to tell," Longwhisker's head fell. Clawfur still had his tail against her back. Tangletuft admired that he still stuck with his mate even when she lied to him for many moons.
"When I was heavily pregnant with Snowblaze, I was just walking around the territory. I-I ended up at Horseplace and then I saw Whisper in the distance. She had a newly born kit and was crying. I ran up to her t-to see if she was okay and she looked heartbroken. She begged me to take this kit and raise it, although I'm not sure how or why she trusted me s-so quickly. But I took the kit, and named h-her Smokekit. I had my kit Snowblaze on the way back to camp. Coincidence? I-I think not. I was going to tell you all that she wasn't mine but I thought you'd kick her out... So I made her m-my own." Longwhisker now turned to Whisper "I just never thought an irresponsible mother would want her kit back after she didn't even raise her."

"I did raise her!" Whisper bit back, letting out a hiss.

"No you didn't," Longwhisker meowed, surprisingly calm. "I took her in, I fed her, I raised her as my own, my Clan trained her and now she's WindClan wether you like it or not."

"She's coming home with me," Whisper argued, facing her kit "I'm her mother. I deserve to have my kit back."

"You didn't even raise her! How can she be your kit if I was her motherly figure for her whole life? You aren't a mother, you're just the cat who gave birth to her," Longwhisker meowed, narrowing her eyes before continuing "I'm her mother."

Whisper paused for just a moment, taken aback by Longwhisker's tone "Well I don't care because she's coming with me." Whisper stubbornly replied before marching up to Smoketail and giving her a shove "Let's go."

Smoketail had seemed in so much shock that she let Whisper push her.
Tangletuft watched, feeling as though she was helpless to stop it.

Tangletuft switched her gaze towards Longwhisker and Clawfur, the two close and their eyebrow bones crossed inward, obviously enraged.
Their reaction was so much different than her brother Breezefoot's. The tom looked at his paws, letting in a deep breath. He began to slowly shake his head and his breathing began to be out of rhythm as his eyes began to water. But seeing as the Clan was staring at him he moved his head high and stared at Smoketail who was leaving.

Tangletuft switched her gaze towards Snowblaze, who was blinking repeatedly. His eyes must've been dry as he kept blinking and blinking and blinking.
His mouth opened before he began to yell "Why not let Smoketail choose if she wants to go or not!"

And the Clan had gone silent. Longwhisker and Clawfur began huddling even closer to each other, nodding their heads, Breezefoot's eyes shone of hope and Whisper slowly turned around. The loner paused, staring down the cats before reluctantly nodding "Fine. Go on Smoketail choose."

Smoketail sat frozen for a long time, her eyes drained and her smokey fur already looking lifeless. She twitched an ear before looking at her Clan, then looking at Whisper, and back again.

"I-I think I should go with Whisper," Smoketail finally said and all the cats in WindClan gasped. Snowblaze and Breezefoot gasped the loudest.

Tangletuft just helplessly watched from the edge of camp.

"I mean if she is my birth mother shouldn't I get to know her better? It'd be the r-right thing to do." Smoketail's head dropped "So I guess this is goodbye."


Hahahahah XD What are your opinions of Smoketail?  

tbh I don't like that Whisper cat.

but anyways, voice your opinion! I'd love to hear it!

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